


8 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info


Melina Elswood






5’2” or 157.5 cm


106 lbs or 48 kg







Name: Melina Elswood

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Height: 5’2” or 157.5 cm

Weight: 106 lbs or 48 kg

Race: Human

 Very similar to Earth’s humans, with a limited genetic color range (and no hair dye or colored contacts).
:bulletwhite:Lifespan: ~110 years
:bulletwhite:Potential Abilities: They can learn just about everything, native to Selendris or not. However, they cannot be born with abilities that are not native to Selendris and naturally cannot learn to use abilities that cannot be taught.



World: Selendris

Bullet; WhiteSelendris is a world of plenty that provides enough for not only its own inhabitants, but also for those of Devanei and Gaea. Most of the continents have dormant volcanoes surrounded by highly fertile plains that yield plenty of food from foraging and agriculture. The forests are also full of edible plants and animals.
Bullet; WhiteSelendris’ early history is largely peaceful, only broken up by a few mild wars between nobility. Most of the nations live in some sort of alliance with each other, trading goods and staying within their borders, but there is the occasional skirmish. One of the world’s oddities is the heavy religious influence, with churches and cathedrals standing all over the map, and while the imagery between them seems to be the same, none of the native cultures can seem to agree on the lore surrounding them.
In recent times, the Sages arrived from other worlds and introduced the possibility of interworld travel, as well as forming a lasting and more prosperous world structure. They helped open trade with other worlds, increased Selendris’ wealth, and assisted in reforming governmental functions. The Sages became quite prestigious and are closely involved with practically everything in the world.
Bullet; WhiteThere is a racial hierarchy, with the Elves at the top due to their advanced knowledge compared to the other races, and are consequently more refined and ‘noble’. At the opposite side of this hierarchy are the Gargoyles, since they struggle with using magic and are seen as rough and crude by the Elves. Because the Elves’ status is due to their wealth of knowledge and magic, anyone who is proficient in either tends to get an automatic status boost in this world.
Bullet; WhiteEach country is ruled by a king who dictates the laws and oversees other government matters. Below the king is the nobility, who has great influence in the legal systems. In other words, it’s a good idea to stay on the nobles’ good side if you want the laws to stay fair when pertaining to you. Because of this, the native citizens are generally reluctant to do anything that would oppose the higher classes.
Bullet; WhiteBecause of the amount of help they’ve provided and their knowledge, the Sages are slightly higher on the social ladder than the nobility; this lends them significant influence across Selendris, and they are often quite rich.



Melina is a native of Selendris, born in quiet Shanta, the youngest of 4 children in her family. Her father was a jewelry craftsmen in the town and was known to sell enchanted jewels to the Noble Elves and others who needed magical tools for convenience sake. So the girl was grew up with jewelry and craftsmanship around her; however it seemed she wasn’t so nimble or apt at jewelry crafting like her father as her absent-minded nature seem to hinder her from actually finishing anything.  Regardless she never grew up in poverty, as her upper middle class family was well off  thanks to her father's great detailed work.

Melina is the little baby sister who was typically sheltered from others by her elder siblings and her family. She was initially apprenticing under her father, but she was not proficient in enchanting charms like her father. So once the girl was accepted into a institution for the wealthy and nobles, she went there seeking mentor-ship in magic, to make up for the lack of magical skills she had in manipulating energy. She didn’t do much or have much of a purpose beside going to school, learning magic and other useful, practical skills that she could use when she got older; and taking care of the housework like cleaning and cooking when she was at home. But she learned various things like the history and the geography of Selendris as well as proper etiquette and table manners.

But also Melina learned of the racial hierarchy in school as the various elves proudly stood at the top of the ladder, and well humans in Selendris were stuck in the middle of the social hierarchy. Since the human girl was small and more of a recluse, she was verbally picked on by Elven classmates as they were much wealthier and noble in ranking in comparison to her and her human family, and she didn't speak up for herself as she was afraid to do so in fear of backlash. But after meeting her Elven friend, Darya, who stood up for her against those her bullies.. She found her first female friend who she could treasure and share all of her memories and hardships, including the family problems and woes.

Her mother fell ill one day, and as the only other girl in the family, she was tasked to take care of her sick mother at a young age. Darya urged her friend to learn healing magic as a way to take care of her ill mother. So Melina learned magic from the local healers on how to take care of her mother and make sure her illness didn’t spread to others. But there was no definite cure on how to heal how her mother’s ailments. So Melina began traveling the lands of Selendris, hoping she could learn how to cure her mother’s sickness.



  • Shy

  • Soft-Spoken

  • Observant

  • Reserved

  • Warm

  • Sympathetic

  • Humble

  • Patient

  • Caring

  • Forgetful

  • Insecure

  • Naive

  • Timid



Basically a support type. Melina cannot fight against others offensively or physically. She is rather fragile and not very proficient in healing magic.

Hosted Magic: Healing

Using the orbs and gems on her clothing, she is able to manifest magic imbued from her enchanted gems to heal physical injuries, manipulating energy to make the body work faster providing cells with more energy. She is currently not skilled enough to get rid of severe injuries or illnesses only contain them from getting worse.

Scripted Magic: Singing

Using her voice, she can heal injuries that are deep within the soul, like ill spirits, and instill morale to her comrades, or have the opposite effect like making others drowsy and sleepy to calm their soul, depending on the song she sings. However since she doesn’t have a loud voice, her script magic is pretty much ineffective when her song cannot be heard by others.


Minor Alchemy: Potion Making

With the use of herbs and ingredients, Melina uses alchemy to create magical healing potions that could either get rid of poisons or toxins in the body.


Additional Info

  • Apparently fell in love with a Noble Elf, but she couldn’t stop herself from doing so or muster the courage to confess and he got taken away by a prettier girl.

  • Scared of ghosts

  • Can’t even carry/lift her own weight.

  • Loves extremely sweet foods like honey.

  • She can sing but well is typically too shy to even sing in front of others.


RP Prompt:

:bulletwhite: Natives: "You've just found someone who was left in one of the 3 starting worlds. The person is still unconscious and has no luggage besides the clothes they currently wear and anything they had been holding. What do you do?"

It was a quiet day out in Shanta of Selendris. The streets weren’t crowded nor was there large bustling and rowdy noises in the morning.  But her father told her to go down the street and fetch his tools which he lended over to a fellow craftsmen.  Despite the fact that she did not want to step outside of the house especially since it was early in the morning, she forced to go outside and retrieve his tools as he was in need of them.. But luckily no one was outside. She didn’t want to converse with others, wanting to hide away from people when she could, as she couldn’t hold long feasible conversations with others. She didn’t know what to say for that matter. Good morning. How was your day? Maybe?

Well she thought no one was outside especially out this early in the morning as she stumbled on a stranger on the ground… She gave a squeak as she felt like she stepped on a strange rock, “Eep!” But she looked down on the floor to notice lying on the ground a sleeping person, and well she accidentally stepping on the person’s hand as she was walking.  She took small steps behind her, as if backing away, yet staring down at the person on the ground, hoping whoever this person was wouldn’t wake up. She feared the unconscious fellow would wake up and scold her or something.

But she slowly stopped realizing the strange clothes on the person and the person was unconscious and still not waking up. It looked so different than the clothes worn around here.. A traveler? Usually travelers visit Hyancinthe, as it was popular with travelers. But maybe this one wanted to buy items here in Shanta?…Since there was no luggage around, probably not here to stay for a long visit…..  Ah if that was so, shouldn’t she wake the traveler up and help?

She began to squat on the ground as she debated in her head whether to wake up this unconscious person.. But she was rather quiet for a few minutes; her mind running miles on what to say or do to wake up this person without ruining the whole conversation or well start off on a bad foot.   That and muster enough courage to say something to a stranger..  She stated with a small voice, like it was small as she crouched over to awaken the figure on the ground, “Um….” Should she touch the stranger? Well she stepped on the fellow earlier but not even that woke up the traveler, she shyly poked the person’s clothing with her index finger. “Do you need...some help?”

Awkward silence ensued as the person wasn’t responding, and her face began to flush with embarrassment for trying. She began to leave the person, standing up properly and getting farther away from the unconscious individual, to well go find help because certainly she couldn’t carry or lift such a stranger, mostly forgetting her initial task to go retrieve her father’s tools in the process.