Rosalyn (template bio)



2 years, 1 month ago


Character bio thing im not finishing this probably lmao so I'll just copy paste what is done

Character’s full name: Rosalyn Augustus

Reason or meaning of name: she's a redesign of an old character i had named rosalyn idk why I just kept idek if that's an actual name

Birth date: January 3

Physical appearance

Age: 19

How old does he/she appear: the same i guess

Height: ok i will give characters actual heights 5'4 

Eye color: green

Glasses or contacts: no

Distinguishing marks: none

Predominant features: um my designs are boring idek

Hair color: naturally brown about the same as her fur but she dyes it pink

Overall attractiveness: idk im not that kind of furry

Physical disabilities: none

Favorite outfit: that blue thing I draw her usually wearing


Good personality traits: hard-working, imaginative, intelligent, cautious

Bad personality traits:very strict with herself and others, pessimistic, not much self worth and overly concerned with status and how others view her instead, can have tunnel vision

Mood character is most often in: unhappy

Sense of humor: im trying to think the only thing I can remember having her say was funny was when someone she didn't like was suffering..she a little fucked up

Character’s greatest joy in life: has she ever felt joy before 

Character’s greatest fear: letting down the people she looks up to

enneagram: so/sx 4w3 416

temperament: melancholic

alignment: lawful neutral

socionics: iei

big five: high neuroticism, conscientiousness, openness, low extroversion and mid-low agreeableness


Hometown: she's from the capital city i never gave it a name 220 pages in now so far just calling it the capital (hunger games plagiarized)

Type of childhood: 

First memory:

Most important childhood memory: her aunt leaving

Education: went to a very prestigious school k-12 cause the furries don't do higher education

Finances: very well off, not like 1% but her family's pretty wealthy


Current location: coerced into not having any long term ones

Currently living with: Oliver, Amelia, and Eloise ..spoilers for 80 pages into the book im never posting

Religion: not religious but only bc it's really fringe by this point in her society if she was like in the real world she would tell you you're going to hell for saying oh my god

Finances: still good she relying on her family



Relationship with her: not great her mom was strict growing up and expected a lot from her


Relationship with him: same as mother 

Siblings: an older brother and sister (twins)

Relationship with them: she competed with them a lot, often her other family comparing them all to each other, and so isn't very close to them

Other important family members: her aunt Dahlia she's closer to her than the others but there's still some distance and she still has a lot of the worries about living up to Dahlias expectations even though dahlia isn't like forcing it on her like her parents do


Color: blue

Least favorite color: yellow

Music: whatevers the most pretentious shit idk

Food: idk she just complains about everything she eats

Literature: likes poetry and things with deeper meanings


Hobbies: writing and reading

Plays a musical instrument? maybe idk she probably would she has the vibe of someone who was forced to learn piano as a child

Plays a sport? no

How he/she would spend a rainy day: sitting around at home, probably reads something

Spending habits: kind of careful with money but she knows she doesn't have to be

Smokes: rosalyn says no to drugs

Drinks: no drugs

Other drugs: no drugs

What does he/she do too much of? Complaining it kind of makes her annoying to have as the mc lmao

What does they do too little of? Being happy

Usual body posture: pretty good like she stands up straight usually


Optimist or pessimist? Pessimist

Introvert or extrovert? Introvert

Daredevil or cautious? Cautious

Logical or emotional? Naturally more emotional, but she values being logical too and can force herself to act more rationally

Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Methodical and neat

Prefers working or relaxing? working

Confident or unsure of themselves? unsure of herself, although she tries to come off as more confident


keeping it an image makes it harder to hide the ones i don't want to answer but i don't want to type it out

1. it's so easy everything makes her angry. how much she shows it varies a lot but generally pretty expressive

2. no

3. everything

4. no oliver probably suggests she try that like every other day but she won't she doesn't need to relax and likes being miserable on god

7. not very likely to do either but more buy someone else a drink

8. no has never been in a situation where she could break a bone in her life

11. confident women

12. her notebook 

13. no idk if they can with the fur but she probably wouldn't maybe if she had some with some really deep meaning

14. no 

19. quiet and polite

Questions from

1. If your OC fights, on a scale of dead silent to screaming banshee, how loud do they get during a fight?

like physical fight I don't think she would do that ever she would probably just cry that could be pretty loud.

argument fight can definitely engage in a bit of screaming

4. How many spongebobs would it take to defeat your OC?

amazing probably just one shes kinda squidwardy actually and he gets destroyed by spongebobs existence so probably wouldnt be very good for her either..or he could spatula her

5. If your OC was a youtuber, what would their channel content be based on?

media review video essays. like 10 hours long and she's not funny or entertaining enough to make it worth it. most of it's just complaining too

6. Let's say your OC is given a piece of paper, and they are told to write anything on their mind on the paper. What exactly do they write on it? Do they prefer to use pen or pencil? Do they write big or small? Messy or neat handwriting? Given that the paper does not have lines on it already, does their writing begin to slant a little or do they keep it straight? Or, do they just draw on it?

honestly i don't even know if they have pencils. there's so much i need to figure out if it exists because idk how they get made in real life and how that would align with fictional furry world technology. but probably would prefer pens anyway. small and neat handwriting probably cursive or something like fancy looking

7. If your OC can be provoked to fight without any physical initiation (i.e. there are no punches thrown first, maybe only verbal or psychological provocation) how exactly does your OC deal with it? Do they fight back with words? Do they fight physically? If so, how violent do they get?

pretty easy provoked but only fights back with words

8. How well mannered is your OC at the dinner table? Utensils? Chews with their mouth closed? Drinks out of a chalice or a “#1 (dad, mom, world destroyer, etc)” mug? Eats slow or fast?

very well mannered. probably knows what a salad fork is or something. honestly idk about slow or fast because so when i think of eating slow the first thing i think of is like a food criticy guy whos like every bite has to sit in my mouth for five minutes and she would never but you could also be slow if youre all like daydreaming and not focusing on eating which she would.

9. If your OC is a furry or anthro or otherwise animal-based, is chocolate toxic to them?

hhhhhmmmnnnn I think its ok? I havent really worked out a ratio of "actual cat to cat as human stand in" yet but for the most part they can have human food

10. What is the main focus of your OC? What have you poured the most effort into developing them? Personality, backstory, design, powers, message/theme, relationships, universe, etc.

personality and relationships! it's the most interesting part for me

13. Can your OC handle compliments well? How do they respond to them?

not really, has a hard time believing anything nice people say about her 

14. Does your OC have any ‘childish’ or outlandish phobias? Such as the dark, spiders, the ocean.. Are there any specific reasons why they have this phobia?

spiders and bug stuff. not really anything specific but i mean have you seen a spider i think its understandable

17. How does your OC deal with bugs in their home?

time to find a new home

18. What does your OC’s search history consist of?

they dont have internet the only defined technology is no furaffinity for furries but theoretically for the sake of argument probably mostly like checking spelling, the thesaurus website and wattpad idk if people even use wattpad anymore but ive gotten rlly attached to the idea that in a modern world she'd write bible fanfiction on there

19. How often does your OC deviate from their daily schedule? Do they distract themselves from it or do outside things happen that prevent them from having a static schedule?

not often and doesn't like unplanned things. very rough bc she's with people who are the exact opposite

20. How sensitive is your OC to emotion? Is there anything specific (eg. people, objects, experiences) that causes them to feel a certain emotion? Is there anything that your OC is desensitized to? For ‘desensitized’, it doesn’t have to be in a ‘shock’ kind of way, it could possibly be something that could have made them happy, angry, sad, etc in the past but it doesn’t anymore.

pretty sensitive. cant think of anything specific tho. she might try to act more desensitized but she's really emotional and not as good at hiding it as she wants to be

21. How does your OC speak? Eg, timbre/tone, accent, slang, vulgarity..

the first two parts of her search history are just what i have to do to write her, very pretentious lots of big boy words though she does mostly drop it and speak more normally when she's comfortable with someone (which is also a meta reference to it being really annoying to have someone talk like an emily brontë novel all the time) but the one thing i do like is with vulgarity because she basically never swears and usually has the like very high iq intellectual big brain who doesn't need to swear because she knows better words than shit but she is also really angry and whiny so there's tons of fucks in her head

22. How does your OC show discomfort? Actions, words, body language..

body language and words

23. Does your OC know what’s good for them, or do they hype themselves too much for something that’s way out of their league?

kind of in between

26. Is your OC a good liar? If not, what gestures do they make that makes it obvious that they’re lying?

really wants to be but she's not confident enough for it would just panic and straight up admit she's lying