Oliver (Bio thing too long)



1 year, 9 months ago


Old Character Chart i never finish it so im just posting what was done

Character’s full name: Oliver

Birth date: June 17 wish i remembered why i wanted him to be a gemini soo bad wtf

Physical appearance

Age: 19

How old does he/she appear: the same i guess

Height: 5'10

Eye color: yellow I think I forgot wtf

Glasses or contacts: no

Distinguishing marks: none

Predominant features: um my designs are boring idk

Hair color: dark brown

Overall attractiveness: idk im not that kind of furry

Physical disabilities: none

Favorite outfit: the one i draw him in he has no other clothes lmao 


Good personality traits: friendly, curious, honest, creative, non-judgemental

Bad personality traits: lazy, kind of spineless, easily bored and distracted

Mood character is most often in: usually like pretty calm cheerful

Sense of humor: deez nuts enthusiast. kinda childish, likes making jokes a lot

Biggest accomplishment: he doesn't accomplish shit

Drives and motivations: generally just wants to live a free and peaceful life

mbti: enfp ne-fi

enneagram:  sx/sp 7w6

temperament: sanguine-pheglmatic

socionics: iee

high extroversion, openness and agreeableness, low conscientiousnessness mid neuroticism 


Hometown: guy doesn't even know

Type of childhood: orphaned at a young age and got taken in by a group of very nice fellows who had very nice and good ideas of how oliver's magic could be used

Dream job: never really had a specific one

Education: never went to school but he did annoy the shit out of his guardians until they taught him basic reading, writing and math

Finances: not that bad really


Current location: no long term one guy just goes around

Currently living with: Rosalyn, Amelia, and Eloise 

Religion: doesn't really believe in any religious stuff but finds it interesting

Finances: he is. Struggling a bit perhaps


Mother: that bitch dead

Relationship with her: never knew her

Father: dead as hell

Relationship with him: never knew him

Siblings: I cant decide if i want them to exist or not 😕but for now i will say none

Other important family members: probably also dead

sorry for cliche tragic anime backstory is it ok if it didnt make him emo


Color: yellow and green

Least favorite color: none 

Music: he doesn't understand it he would just listen to anything and go "ohh..i like it😀" 

Food: anything sweet

Literature: same as music

Form of entertainment: his own magic self love king

Most prized possession: he has a nice map. keeps it crumbled up in his pocket but he still likes it



Plays a musical instrument? no

Plays a sport? no

How they would spend a rainy day: average enjoyer of playing in the rain, not drying himself off or anything when he comes in, and getting a cold

Spending habits: very careful with money 

Smokes: no

Drinks: big alcohol enjoyer idk how that works for a cat but shhhh dont worry about it

Other drugs: no


Optimist or pessimist? bit more optimist

Introvert or extrovert? bit more extrovert

Daredevil or cautious? cautious

Logical or emotional? emotional and doesn't even really try to be logical

Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? disorderly and messy

Prefers working or relaxing? relaxing

Confident or unsure of themselves? unsure of himself


1. very hard and doesn't really show it would want to just get over being angry when it happens

2. no

4. yea idk what it is i havent thought that much but he would

5. current

6. first like 12 years or something i forgot

7. someone else buy him a drink he does that a lot

8. yea falls down stairs like a loser

9. a lot

12. cool map

13. no and probably wouldn't get one bc they hurt 

14. same as tattoo