


6 years, 6 months ago




Saoirse (seer-sha)




female (she/her)




human (witch)


saoirse is a self-proclaimed potion master, she works in her mom’s little apothecary n makes random potions n spells! she actually tries to use em to help people, but they usually turn out to be duds. sometimes enlists the help of her twin brother who is much better at spellcasting.




-helping people!! or rather, in her case, “helping” people

-cuddles w bee 


-p l a n t s!!!

-snazzy jazzy dresses,, but also heckin humoNGOUS SWEATERS 

-weird food from different countries n planets!

-cats cats cats cats

-singing! she’s p good at it too!


-getting to experiment


-loves being able to tell people about her witchiness


-feeling too hot or too cold, she wants it just right

-being obnoxiously hit on, it just makes her feel g r o s s


-being yelled at

-fast food (too greasy)

-being told to “get a real job”

-having her flaws pointed out numerous times 

-the dark (a witch afraid of the dark?)

-creepy poetry and stories(cough cough sorry bee)



saoirse is the sweetest girl who just wANTS TO DO GOOD!! she’s super innocent w not a mean bone in her body, she just really wants to help people out! she can be a bit of a pushover however, w people takin advantage of how giving she is, n she’s been walked all over several times!

she’s rEAL BAD AT MAGIC HOWEVER,, THOUGH SHES TRYING HER BEST!! she absolutely loves to help people w all of their ailments n troubles,, but usually ends up inconveniencing her customers (they usually leave w a new hair colour, skin colour, moustache, etc). she’s a lil oblivious to the fact that she can’t perform magic very well however, n is firmly convinced she can truly help people out!

shes also real exaggerated w her reactions n movements, going out of her way to finish stuff of w a fancy arm flourish or a snazzy leg kick! constantly overreacting in both good and bad ways. known to knock over  n break potion bottles often.

p forgetful, def the type of person who’s always frantically searching for the sunglasses perched on their head. honestly only remembers stuff if bee tells her!


as saoirse was growing up, it was just her, her twin brother and her mom!  she was homeschooled for grades k-7, n started going to school in 8th grade! she met her gf in grade 9, but they started off as friends, until they started dating the year after! currently in grade 12 but is considering going back to homeschool so she can focus more on her magic training! she might decide to follow bee to be a college kid. 

her grandmother was a witch as well, n after she died, saorise tried everything to follow in her footsteps! she still thinks of grammy bennett every time she forges ahead in her training. 

she and her brother eli are really really close. they really only had each other as friends growing up, and it’s made them practically inseparable. saoirse likes to tease eli about his brown hair, noting that he’s the only one to be without red hair in their family for generations. 

other info:

-has two pet cats, a black cat named hillary, and a calico named roxie (hillary actually really loves bee n isn’t the biggest fan of saoirse unless bee is around >:3)

-always has plants on her somewhere, whether popping out of her bag, growing out of her hat, or stuck in her hair! idk plants just grow on her (literally and figuratively)

-collects cute mason jars to store ingredients n potions in!

-speaks a lot of different languages thanks to the spell books she’s always studying! (they aren’t all in english yknow)


