Griffin Boltway (Extra detail)



While this section covers some worldbuilding, it's more specific in how it applies to the character
While my world isn't ready to be public, I'll link it when it's finished

Griffin’s magic has a lot of potential to be powerful, he has full potential of both spectrum, but gave him the side effect of basically having two souls in one body. While he does hide it, one of his eyes is actually a bright yellow, but he tends to cover it up with the red matching his other eye. His light magic is yellow, while his dark is red. While the souls don’t necessarily fight for dominance or mean there are two people inside of him, it more causes him to second guess himself a lot and have bad mood swings. What the two souls effectively do is make him produce a surplus of magical energy, but while one is more mellow and one is more active, then creates mood swings.
He embraces his light magic more, which is the magic of creation that is easier to pick up in general. Because of this decision he tends to hide his yellow eye on his left side to focus on keeping his light magic concentrated, this is more of a concentration tactic than actual use, a kind of placebo.

The government of Voltrum is mainly an oligarchy, there are four families that run everything, mostly focusing on their section. The Boltway family rules Tyfla, known for their production more than anything. Power is handed down usually to family, and Griffin is next in line after his father. If the parent so chooses, they can officially hand the title of Governor down to whichever child they choose if the child is above thirty. It’s consulted with the other Governors and the child when it’s getting time to switch power. Griffin is trying to get to be Governor earlier in life to relieve the burden on his father’s shoulder.
The role of Governor in each of the district is one of almost a monarch. There are some more democratic systems beneath them, but in the end, it’s the decision of the governor.
That being said, the government has a decent amount of control in the media, especially with what gets written and shared about them. The royal families value their privacy and usually don’t announce their children or love lives at all. Not many people outside the royal family know about Carter’s habits or all his children, they don’t even know about his declining mental health, Griffin picks up where his father slacks off and no one really knows.