
2 years, 1 month ago


NOTE: this character is still being conceptualized, so information is limited.


Common Dreadnaut

adult (appears 24)
april 21st
surfer/fisherman & photo developer

Species / Race

Dreadnauts are an aquatic based species owned by ShibaKiba. The lore revolves around the deep sea and the mystery lurking in its 95% unexplored depths. These nefarious little creatures are deep-sea dwellers that have swam too close to shore, and are now doing their best to make their way through land society!" - Sea Terrors Trenches (Closed Species)

Mimic - Ornate Ghost Pipefish x Wolf

Shell Type - Softshell

Spots - 3 Spots (2 on head, 1 as tail)

Sea Terror - Single

Pearls - 1 pair


Impossible X UO Sage Island Polaroid 600 Cool Cam Instant Camera - His favorite camera that he carries around in his bag. He uses this camera to take instant photos that he will later hang in his house to display.

Retro Twin Fin Surfboard - His favorite style of surfboard and the type of board that is his signature. This type of board is the one found near his t-shirt pocket.

Skill Name - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio.


Owen is your friendly neighborhood Dreadnaut! He lives near the beach where he washed up many years ago. While trying to figure out life outside the ocean, he stumbled into this town and ends up near an old house. When he looked inside, he found an elderly couple watching some old fashion Hollywood movies on their old T.V. Owen was drawn in and fascinated by the storytelling and movements on the screen.

Owen now has based his whole life on the Hollywood aesthetic! He only understands the technology from years ago and struggles with anything new nowadays. His job is a fisher and is a photo developer on the side. Owen also surfs and likes to give a surfer lesson or two. His house is mixed between the past and the present (think of an elderly couple's house) but he keeps it well organized!


Owen is a chill guy. He pretty much goes with the flow and loves to learn about new things even if it confuses him. He loves making friends and always tries to help them or be there with them. Owen also knows when to tone down his personality when someone does not like it. Owen really is gullible and will only question stuff if he has been told beforehand or if he has seen it in a movie or show. He puts 99% trust in his friends and could be one that can be taken advantage of but sometimes Owen knows when to think for himself, just not all the time.

He will question his friends if they do anything wrong and due to his view on life that "breaking the law is bad and you need to go to jail". Owen will second-guess himself though since it is his friends and many times will just silently report them or just be mad at them for however long he thinks they need to think of their crimes. He loves including people in anything, from cleaning around the beach to cutting veggies for him. Since Owen does not understand new technology, he will always fear it and must see it in action and have it explained to him in detail (basically "IS THAT MAGIC, HOW DID YOU DO THAT" mentality").


  • hollywood movies
  • surfing
  • cooking
  • taking pictures


  • new technology
  • when he loses his surfboard
  • anything new to him
  • crime


Life Within Sunken Eye Gorge/Departing Sunken Eye Gorge

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Aliquet eget sit amet tellus cras adipiscing enim eu turpis. Viverra accumsan in nisl nisi scelerisque eu ultrices.

First Years On Land

After swimming the farthest he could from Sunken Gorge, he tiredly found himself surfacing at the closest beach he could. He was alone not like he ever had anyone but now being away from Sunken Gorge and away from other sea terrors and in an unknown area, he truly felt alone. He dragged himself out of the water, only to quickly return when he heard water being disrupted. Watching, he saw a small row boat with a dim-out lantern go past him. This sea terror felt scared and hostile as he knew a human was on that boat and knew that humans will and had hunted sea terrors before. He did not want to attack because he was scared and did not want to bring attention to himself for who knows what will happen if he did. He is a monster to this upper world and he could not let one mistake of his, take away this new life for himself. The boat quietly moved on and did not seem to notice him. The sea terror watched as the boat left his view before he resumed his journey onto land.

The sea terror didn't know what to do now he never once thought of leaving his original life behind and this new world was terrifying to him. He heard of humans hunting sea terrors for their pearls and both species' relationships were not all that great but he still had hope that each species' relationship with each other has gotten better but at the time, all this sea terror cared about was getting away from the ocean for now. He stumbled around on land as he quickly tried to find a place to hide, thankfully this place was asleep at this time. The sea terror scurried to some bushes near some rocks and decided to sit there trying to determine what was his next move. He knows he needs to find food but he doesn't know this place well enough to go hunting, he could try but he fears being discovered so he drifts off to sleep.

The sea terror stayed in the same spot for two days, only leaving to try and find food and water and returning to his makeshift home until one day while resting a group of children was playing with a beach ball and it ended up rolling into the bush.


Maecenas sed enim ut sem viverra aliquet eget. Risus ultricies tristique nulla aliquet enim tortor at auctor. Mattis vulputate enim nulla aliquet porttitor lacus luctus accumsan tortor. Faucibus vitae aliquet nec ullamcorper. Arcu cursus vitae congue mauris rhoncus. Phasellus faucibus scelerisque eleifend donec pretium vulputate sapien nec.


  • Owen's name is a reference to Owen Wilson! Was trying to figure out a name for him and have his name be a reference to an actor and somehow I landed on Owen.
  • Owen's outfit is actually inspired by some of my clothes.
  • Owen's colors is suppose to reflect the kelp/seaweed/green life of the ocean!
  • Owen was actually suppose to be a sea lion! Though due to traits I wasn't able to figure out how to make that work so he became wolf.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • consectetur adipiscing elit
pagedoll_owen.png PERSON

- Owen likes cooking when he is able to see fire, if it is something like an electric stovetop, he will refuse to cook on it.

- Is a great cook when the food involves fish.

- Takes holiday pictures during winter to earn extra cash (but ends up giving it for free most of the time).

- Owen is Bisexual! He hasn't fallen in love yet but knows he is Bi. If he were to fall in love, he would have to have a deep emotional connection with the other person first.

- He is also an adult (20's).

- Owen has good luck! Well, decent enough luck to win small lotteries or carnival games, nothing too big. He doesn't really question his good luck and will try various mentions to make it work. Though when it doesn't work out, he will get upset and if it happens more than once Owen will hide at home for a couple of days to recover.

- Since Owen gets most of his information from old media, he might be out of date on stuff but is willing to learn modern things! However, if it involves movies or anything that he made part of his lifestyle, it will be hard for him to change out of it.

- Even if Owen is super friendly and outgoing and seems to make friends with everyone he meets he actually doesn't have a lot of close friends. He likes keeping to himself and he used to have a lot of friends but since Owen hasn't left the beach town in years, most of his friends have moved away and (possibly...have passed away for some). But he is close with the locals!Β 

- Friends with the surfing shop owner who provides Owen with an endless supply of surfboards. For payment, he either pays the owner with money or favors! Owen also teaches surfing lessons at the surfing shop to help bring more traffic to their shop.

- Owen does drive! He drives a green 1969 Ford F250.

- While growing up, Owen learned English from the old movies he watched. However, he developed a Mid-Atlantic accent for a while and had to undo it after a while.


- Owen has not left the beach he lives on ever since he emerged from the ocean and onto land. He has left the area a little far out but not too far.

- He has the tendency to fall asleep on the beach. He makes sure he doesn't fall asleep when it's too hot so he doesn't get burnt to a crisp.

- Owen likes going to an abandon small pier to fish and relax when he wants to be alone.

- He has a dark room to develop the pictures he takes.

- Owen goes to an internet cafe when he wants to try and surf the web. Most of the time it's too hard for him to navigate it without help but he does enjoy listening to songs on Youtube or movie reviews.

- He likes holding mini gatherings on the beach and anyone is allowed to come! He doesn't do it often but likes doing it when he does.


Owen's phone is a Nokia and he does not mind that it is one, even if the newer phones now have more stuff to do on them, he prefers it old-fashioned.

- He does not like those fridges that dispense water and ice. Scares him to bits and pieces.

- Owen collects a lot of old antiques, mainly anything related to old Hollywood.

- Even if he likes antiques, Owen's fashion is very modern! Though he does wear out-of-fashion clothes at home to relax in for his own enjoyment.

- Uses media to experience life outside his beach town (tv shows, the news, movies, books, newspaper, etc).

- Has gone through a lot of surfboards but surprisingly has never lost his signature surfboard when he uses it.

- Owen's favorite ice cream is Mint Chocolate Chip and his second favorite is Rainbow Sherbet.

- Has a vinyl record collection. His #1 source to listen to music. Also listens to the radio as well.

- Since Owen likes taking pictures, he hangs the newest photos he takes on clothing line/old fishing line around his house and puts the older pictures into albums.Β 

- Owen owns a vintage red Schwinn beach cruiser that he added a DIY wooden surfboard rack to the side of it. Also has a basket but it's an old red milk crate.

- He also owns PJs that are either movie, coca-cola, cars, or fish-themed.

- Owen also wears recent band t-shirts he finds at the thrift store but doesn't know who these bands are and only wears them because they look nice.


Friend - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.

Relationship - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.

Relationship - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.