
6 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name:

Lance Belmonte


Male (he/him)






Aprilstory Liam + gen3 SD body


They Call Us Giants

Creation Date:

August 8th 2017

Arrival & Birthday:

June 13th 2019 // mid-March 2015


At age 14, Lance fell from the sky into the middle of a town. He doesn't remember where he came from, or who he used to be, or why he was falling at all; only his name. The town chooses to take care of him - the boy that fell from the sky - and they think he's wonderful. He is taken in by a local family and joins the town's guard force when he's old enough.

When he hits 18 and he's already well over seven feet tall, he knows he's not normal. Although unable to register as an MC without knowledge of where he came from, Lance garners protection from the town and rarely leaves to do more than just patrol. He's only recently finally seemed to stop going up, towering well above any of the other townsfolk, and is relieved that maybe now he'll stop needing new accommodations every year.

Lance meets some very odd travelers on one of his patrols. He knows their names, but doesn't recognize them; feels he should know them but doesn't. He starts putting the pieces together.

Social Connections

Caspian - traveling companion (and childhood friend) and sees him as the leader, but supports him more than he realizes.
Rowe - traveling companion and childhood friend
Drake - traveling companion and childhood friend

World Context

Lore coming eventually?

> 9' 5"

> A good number of the townspeople legitimately think he is an angel sent from heaven. Lance... isn't so sure

> none of note yet

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Primary Notes
> front tooth gap
> tiny lil bit of freckles on his cheeks

> outfit is inaccurate please refer to irl pics!! his boots are good tho
> wears smart but functional clothes; likes collared shirts and jackets

Other Things
> exceptionally tall and broad. Fairly muscled as he is a knight
> uses a two-handed broadsword like a normal longsword