


6 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info



Age (Appearance)





She is really cool/trendy and likes to put herself above others. She also likes to take responsibility, others can rely on her. Once she promised something she will do it.


Spider Lilys, Metal- and Rockmusic (So she is a fan of the band Abyss that is well known in my world), She enjoy beeing liked by others, beeing in the center of attention, beeing a leader, Naroliz (Is in love with her^^)


Slow (Boring) music (Basically music that's not metal/rock), People that ingore her, any situation when she needs help by others


Junko is a Fairy, which means, she have butterfly wings and a flower, in her case it's a Spider lily. Since she is a really strong fairy, she can turn her flower into a wand to use magic. As soon as she do this she will grow from 15-20 cm to 167 cm wich is her size in Human form.

The magic she can use is blood magic, before she had this ability she was able to create poisionus plants. But she lost it when her flower turned into a spider lily. Before it was another one... not sure wich^^''
She was a little child, maybe 3 years old or something like this when she came to the mirror lake. This is a place that's very mystical and a former prison. It would be too much to explain it here. PM me if you are interested in^^ Well her reflection went to the world between live and dead. Her original version never mentioned any difference. Just some days later this reflection met Sombra who gave her a new ability and a new flower. That's something that the original Version mentioned because her flower changed. Ehh... it's complicated, sorry. I'll go on with the story of the original version.

So, when she was just 4 years old, she joined the guild "Little garden" in Ilirea. This is a really peaceful Guild which mainly focusses on knowledge so it's basically a school.The master of this guild was a nice fairy at this time but he died on a Illness. a couple of years later. (It's not a really important person to her, she never really got to know him better.) But she found a pretty good friend there, Naroliz. She was the daughter of the former master so she became the new master. She was really sad about her fathers dead and Junko tryed to help her with her feelings and also with the guild. After a time, Junko mentioned that she fell in love with Naroliz. But she was afraid to tell her. So she helped building a contract with Alynn, the master of the guild "white hell" that makes little guarden a subguild of white hell... There she also met Tailyn, a pretty good friend. They talked about everything and they were really close. They also talked about Junkos love to Naroliz... But than Tailyn disappeared. She was really sad about this and her reflection mentioned that and asked Sombra for help. So he killed the reflection - so the Memorys of the reflection went to the original and Junko mentioned that she also have a really good friend in the world between life and dead. Sombra helped her to get to the World between life and dead (Sazoru helped her) She didn't thought of the consequenzes... Now she can visit Naroliz but she can't see her. Ahhh I stop now that's going to be much more complicated...

this makes probably no sence to you... I left out 500 pages of her story I guess? But tbh I'm to lazy to put that all on toyhouse. And I guess nobody will read it... Sorry for beeing confusing^^''