


6 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info



Age (Appearance)





friendly, adventurous, optimistic, loves to learn new stuff, easily trusts people


Beeing with friends, training, archery, duels - no real fights


real fights (She never complained, she know it's important but she don't like it), being alone, injurys that are bad enough that she have to lay in bed, reading (She thinks it's boring)


Iolana is an Iliri, A creature half human, half snake. In general they don't have any special abilitys except the snake things (Like poisionous teeth, faster movement and better eyes)

Iolana lives in Noweria, a region of Ilirea. Noweria is nearly compleatly controlled by the guild "white hell" - The master of this guild is Alynn. Iolana is also a member of this guild, she is one of the guardians who have the highest postion after the guild master. And they are the only ones who know how he looks like. She got this rank because her skills at archery are more than just good. She is fast and strong.

I think I leave out most parts of the story here because that would be too complicated. I'll just explain her realationship to some Characters and leave out the question why it is like this... ^^''

First of all Tailyn. She and Tailyn where a couple for some time. It wasn't for long and it is really complicated to explain why but there was something that made her falling in love with him. Later she didn't remember about all this time so I'm not sure if the couple will become real ever again. They are not really like friends now more like Senpai and Kouhai Before this thing happend, She was the senpai... After this Tailyn was stronger than her. He still calls her Senpai but the realationship became kind of cold. Tailyn became a little colder towards her and she was a little disappointed about his strenght. Not just a little. She thought she would always be the stronger one.

The next one is Qi. She is a little cute girl and a healer. Iolana likes to play some games with her and talk about everything. Qi is really shy and always listens to her. (Oh that's too sad. She would never tell her things like this if she would knew everything about her^^'')

Than Alynn. He is the master of the guild and it's for her clearly someone who is smarter, and stronger than her. She really respects him and admire him.

That are some realationships... there are other guardians but those are the most important to her^^ I'll probably add more as soon as I finished their toyhouse pages.