🌸 – Sakura Starscope



1 year, 11 months ago

Basic Info


comfort character


ping requests only


Name sakura starscope

Age 25

Birthday april 29

Star Sign taurus

Gender demigirl, she/her

Species unicorn

Height tall

Orientation bi masc lean

Occupation atmospheric scientist


  • hiking
  • puzzles
  • tea

  • heights
  • fake plants
  • musky scents

  • she has really good hearing
  • has never broken a bone
  • mane sometimes worn in a bun

sometimes, loss is inevitable

sakura starscope is a unicorn who loves studying the weather and the sky. she is very curious and adventurous, always eager to learn new things and explore new places! she is also very kind and generous, always willing to help others in need. she values friendship and loyalty above all else.

sakura always had a fascination with the weather and the sky since she was a little filly. she loved to watch the clouds, the stars, and the rainbows, and wondered how they formed and changed. she also enjoyed reading books and magazines about weather, climate, and astronomy.

the young mare decided to pursue her passion and enrolled in a bachelor’s degree in atmospheric sciences at canterlot university. there, she learned about atmospheric dynamics, climate science, remote sensing, and data analysis. she also participated in research projects, internships, and extracurricular activities related to her passion.

she graduated with honors and continued her education with a master’s degree in atmospheric sciences at the cloudsdale institute of technology. she specialized in climate modeling, air quality, and severe weather forecasting. she also gained more research experience and developed strong quantitative and computer skills. :D

she completed her master’s degree and became a certified atmospheric scientist. she now works as an atmospheric researcher at the equestria weather bureau, where she studies the weather and the sky using advanced instruments and models. she also collaborates with other atmospheric scientists and meteorologists from different countries and regions.

she loves her job and hopes to contribute to the understanding and protection of the atmosphere and the environment. she also enjoys sharing her knowledge and enthusiasm with others, especially young ponies who are interested in atmospheric science!