


tattoo edgelord who's dead inside lmao

- Works at a tattoo parlor

- Usually at the cash-register helping customers, does some tattoo's tho

- "Hmm, how much coffee can I drink safely before passing out?"

- Always has some energy drink in hand

- Likes tea tho

- Loves chocolate

- Dry humor with sarcastic jokes

- "I literally only speak in sarcasm and memes."

- "Me? A decent functioning person? HHAHAHAA no."

- Watches out for his friends only

- Very logical and analytical

- Good for advice, as long as you don't mind being burned along the way.

- "Muerto? I mean, he's great for advice, but he's like a double-edge sword. He'll cut down all the vines in your way, but he'll cut down the vines protecting you as well."

- "Emotions? What are those?" "Omg! My sense of purpose! I haven't seen this in ages! Thank you so much!" "What am I, an edgelord?"

- Really into soap operas even tho they annoy him


Friend Damien:

- Wonders how he's even alive with some of the stuff he does

- Kinda curious about what the govt is getting up to, but he's not gonna ask

- Likes to make edgy jokes with him

- Scene phase references made all the time

- Lowkey worried about him

Friend Clementine:

Clementine and Muerto would totally bond over movies and soap operas together, I can see them recommending stuff to each other and text ranting about what they just watched. Their favorite scenes, actors, references, camera angles, etc. But I don't think Muerto would come over a lot, because he'd probably get confused wherever he went and wouldn't be able to find the bathroom lol. Muerto would invite Clementine to his house, and whenever Clementine would invite him over would be like, "man, do I really want to get lost today?"

C's boyfriend Dorian: Dorian and Muerto is more of a meh, Muerto would probably be more tolerant of him, like an acquaintance, and less of a friend like Clementine. He'd probably ask a little about his occupation, and then leave that topic alone.

Relationship with Data:

- Husbands now

- Still works at the tattoo parlor, but no longer the cashier. He designs tattoos now!!

- He loves his work, and when Data comes in to give him lunch or just hang out

- Usually the one who helps Data make sure he doesn't have any missed smudges from oil or grease on his clothes

- Not very math inclined, but he tries his best to help when Data is having trouble designing a new part.

- Asks Data for help when he may not know what to do for a client.

- They have movie marathons together

- Enjoys watching Data go through his memory and trying to find a new joke to tell

- He still loves hearing old jokes even though Data has told him it before and forgot he did.

About the world he lives in: 

- A space + wasted earth dystopia
- Earth went through a nuclear fall out and has recovered patches, controlled by different societies. About 60% is wasteland, while 40% is recovered.
- Very little clean drinking water, people instead have fruity drinks that is mostly pulp. Fruits and vegetables make up most of peoples diet, very little meat. More cactus like plants, very hardy. Drinks are mostly pulp and chunks from the chosen fruit instead of water.
- Cities are protected by giant glass domes, due to heavy air pollution and dust clouds. Transport is often dangerous to different areas, due to high risk. People typically don't travel outside of the dome they were born into. Gas masks, if not heavy medical masks must be worn outside the dome. Fierce sandstorms and hot, dry days with dust clouds are the most common form of weather.
- There's a huge divide between upperclass and lowerclass citizens. The lowest of the low live in ghettos on the very edge of the domes, where accidents can happen with the glass. Gas leaks from the outside are rare, but deadly when they occur. The further into the dome the nicer is gets, with the richest and most politically powerful in the center. Higher police concentration the further in you go.
- Resources are highly coveted, with expeditions to the outside made only necessary. Those who go out and must take the risks are typically criminals with military supervision.
- Three main countries used to exist, but after life got harder on Earth they decided to join together. Rumors of free civilizations living on the outside, facing dangerous weather and living on the edge persist. Mutant Kalons who can deal with the challenge of a nuclear fallout are whispered in the ears of those who live on the sides of the dome.
- Together they have begun to pool resources to go up into space, to colonize the stars. Thus the New Interstellar Colonization Program was founded. Volunteers are excepted to either go up on a rocket to live on platforms floating around the solar system, or to go on a large spaceship and explore the stars. These platforms are minicities, with the large spaceships a small town. A few communication satellites are scattered through out the solar system and beyond, so when an exploratory spaceship finds a habitable planet it can send a message from anywhere. These spaceships have multiple communication satellites they can detach and leave floating in space.
- Government is very controlling, very much into Big Brother is Always Watching. Government propaganda is everywhere, and most people lose money to taxes. Those taxes go to the dome, the govt's own life, and to the spaceships + space platforms. Those on the space platforms can come back down to earth, but they typically stay or go on an exploratory spaceships.
- Occasionally drafting into a spaceship is mandatory, the government selects criminal and rebels.