8430 "CopyCat"



8 years, 7 months ago


Name: 8430 (Eighty-Four Thirty), or CopyCat

Gender: Male

Species: Human (spliced genome)

Age: 28


About: CopyCat  is a high-level employee in the year 250K2 planet Earth. He hails from Portland, located in the Alpha Provence. He is the Operations Manager for the Gamma Province, and is stationed in the Center of Operations building in the center of Virsbo, where he works from  the top office floor. He lives in an establishment known as "The Outpost" with the other Tier-3 associates.

CopyCat spends his day sitting before a panel of screens connected to cameras that are scattered throughout the workplaces of the Gamma Province, which is the head of the Food and Drug processing plant. He has multiple operations administrators who work for him. He works directly with Tweak. Together they make sure that the food and drugs coming from their facility are up to standard. Where Tweak is in charge of the meat and drugs, CopyCat is in charge of everything else.

CopyCat has very strict standards; one might even go to say he is a little neurotic about the way the place is run. He's a total control freak and a germaphobe. He has even gone so far as to place cameras above the sinks in the bathrooms. If an associate does not wash their hands before returning to work, it's safe to assume they no longer have a job. CopyCat sees everything.

Extra: CopyCat is a vegetarian because he refuses to eat the meat from other humans. Because of this he is particularly hard on the workers in the salad department about their hygiene.