


8 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info


Dwegol ("Dweggy")




Hundreds of years


Technically genderless, but identifies ♂




Unemployed church guardian



  • Family

  • Friends

  • Physical Description

    9 lbs

    Skinny as a stick and light enough to perch on one's shoulder. Rough to the touch, like pumice. Can change color according to his surroundings. Large eyes help him see in the dark.

  • Backstory

    Born as a piece of earth and enchanted by an elven mage, the lack of experience and material that said mage had to work with rendered this gargoyle pitifully skinny and brittle. Dwegol flocked from church to church looking for someone who would hire him to be a guardian (as their species is usually known for), but his cowardice and weak strength made him a laughing stock to others of his kind. For many years, he did not know what a scaredy-cat like him could contribute to the world. It was not until he settled at the cathedral of a small dwarf settlement and was introduced to its archives by the priest that he began to find his purpose—he learned to read with the help of a cleric, mulling over the contents of all the texts he read. Dwegol was inspired to be a cleric one day to help others after hearing of his mentor’s stories in battle. One rainy night, the cleric did not show and in the weeks that followed, Dwegol eagerly waited for him to return. Things looked bleak as the town grew smaller and smaller until only a handful of residents remained. In this dire situation, the priest of the town turned to the cathedral’s lone gargoyle, now his only hope, and told him to join the party of adventurers that had recently washed up on shore in order to spread news of the town abroad. Hesitantly, Dwegol accepted the priest’s mission with a mission of his own in mind: he would find out what happened to that cleric he loved so much and thank him for his service. This adventure would prove to both the cleric and himself that he wasn’t such a coward anymore.

  • Ongoing Story

  • Likes/Dislikes

    Dwegol enjoys seeking knowledge and is eager to stick his nose in a book when he has the chance. He likes to study languages because they allow him to communicate in more circumstances and he also likes to study tomes about healing so that he can better help his teammates. He is a collector of items he finds unusual and keeps his collection inside of a leather bag. In times where food is scarce, he does not require food for sustenance as he is essentially an enchanted piece of earth, though he likes to snack on precious metals and gems, which can present a problem to his party members.

    Dwegol does not like fighting in the least and prefers to avoid conflict, instead assisting his team from the sidelines. He also does not like to get wet as it makes his earthly skin warp and crack. His gargoyle heritage allows him to change colors like a chameleon and stand stone-still, completely blending into his environment. This technique works well for sneaking around without the risk of being noticed, but he has to muster up every last ounce of what little courage he has to do so. He is very frail and could easily be smashed to pieces in a fight, so he relies on using disguises to circumvent conflict. His wings allow him to take flight, but because he is very lightweight, he can be blown away by a brisk breeze.