


1 year, 5 months ago


Preferred Name; Samania

Full Name; Samania Blossom

Nickname(s)/Aliases; Sami, Mania, Mx. Blossom

Birthday; Nov 6th

Age; 26yos

Species; WereBat

Height; 8''11

Appearance; They are tall and fluffy with curves. They are maroon and dark faded pink with light tan. They have a little tail nub and arms with wings on the their back. (Wings can be the traditional way.)

How do they dress?; Sundresses, mom jeans, flowery skirts and blouses, t-shirts, and sweaters. Wears harry potter styled glasses with white frames. has a lot of cute lil hats, bags, and accessories (necklaces with violets, thin rings with cute little gem or paint patterns)


How do they talk?; Very nurturing tone, talks with hands


Sexuality; Pansexual


Gender; Non-binary

Pronouns; They/them

Relationship status; Single [Open]

Relative(s); - - - - - 

Friend(s); - - - - -


Backstory; They don't know who their parents are, they grew up in the system. Happy to have grown out of it and can now settle down and enjoy life.

Personality; Gentle, caring, motherly, loyal, protective, horrible liar

Power(s); Flight, Echo-location, Decent night vision, good sense of smell

Habit(s); Pulls at ears, picks at nails, picks at lips and ears

Likes; Any kind of tea, peaches (Their cat and the fruit), cool autumn and spring mornings when the sun has just risen, any of the critters that live around their cottage.

Dislikes; Fire, loud noises, large crowds, their garden being ruined

Hobbies; Binding books, knitting, sewing, baking, writing little short stories, gardening 

Occupation; Bookstore Owner


Associated song(s);