Jay (Councilmember Jay)



1 year, 5 months ago

Basic Info




The Felionn siblings:


  • College student, don't know what major yet but I'll figure it out
  • Super peppy and outgoing & still has hope in her heart that hasn't been crushed by the march of time XD
  • Often references memes that only the kids these days would understand
  • Likes to banter w Jay and every family dinner the conversation is 80% those two going back and forth and 20% side conversations between Wren and mom (Dawn)
  • The most excited of the fam to meet Cain and really wants to be the cool wine aunt even though she's got more of a weird/fun cousin energy lmao
  • Wants to follow in Jay's footsteps but also probably has huge imposter syndrome about it (I think Jay has that effect on everyone around them bc they always seem so put together)
    • Wren: it's not too late to drop out ;)
    • Dove: you say that like either one of you didn't get an advanced degree >:(


  • Like 25ish at the beginning of the story
  • Novelist, I think she's probably working on an MFA in creative writing
  • She's the actual cool wine aunt and the first of the fam (other than Jay) that Cain warms up to
  • Cain got his sweater fashion from Wren lmao
  • People always think she's the oldest bc she's often the one who has to step in whenever Dove and Jay start going off on something stupid XD (it's always in good fun but they do get heated and tend to forget they're in public)
  • Went into humanities as a fuck you to all the people who kept comparing her to Jay growing up
  • Probably the most level-headed (emotionally) out of the three


  • The golden child who achieved literally everything lmao
  • Went to a top college for undergrad (pre-law), then law school, and almost immediately became a Councilmember afterward
  • The other two love to poke fun at Jay for their position by greeting them super formally whenever they come back home for the holidays
  • Confident. Charismatic. Knows how to work a crowd and steer a conversation. Easily adapts to any social situation and can seemingly change their mannerism completely on a dime
  • Incredible wit and verbal acumen. Someone can talk at them for hours and Jay will say one sentence that absolutely destroys the other person's entire argument. Looks really smug while doing it too
  • The type of person to never rely on anyone else, partly bc they never learned how to and partly bc they've established themself as someone for others to rely on/someone who has their shit together and they can't bring themself to show any sort of weakness
  • Underneath all of that though is a kid who never really got to be a kid and is so afraid that if they let go for a second then everything they've worked so hard for is just gonna come crashing down