Erion Bei-Fong



6 years, 2 months ago


➳name; Erion Bei Fong {pronounced; Erin Bay Fong}
➳age; left -  fourteen; right - twenty-nine
➳sexuality; bisexual
➳crush; none for now
➳siblings; faternal twin brother - Tuari owned by cyberarcher 
➳parents; Tenzin and Lin Bei-Fong

➳hair; short and wild, but well kept; dark brown
➳eyes; pale jade
➳skin tone; white with a light tan
➳height; five foot, nine inches
➳weight; one hundred seventy-six pounds {pure muscle, i assure you}

➳abilities / powers; dual bender; can earth bend and air bend; stronger with air bending
➳weapons; his staff; he uses it for air bending and for defense rather than offense

➳personality;  Erion definitely got the famous Bei-Fong stubborn-ness. Though he only discovered his link to the strong police chief when he was twenty-two, Erion had always felt a deeper connection to her than he could explain. When he discovered he was her child, pieces of himself clicked into place; stubborn attitude that's uncharacteristic of an air bender, strange connection to the earth and it's materials {before The DiscoveryTM}, deep pride when he listened to the late night radio broadcasts in the orphanage of her bringing down another person. Erion's proud to say he still has some of that carefree and happiness in him that he thought his father squished out of him when he was six years old, though it's become a little warped over the years to what some might call corrupt and downright lazy... He doesn't see it like that, but he can't make people change their views.

➳history; At the tender age of 3 days old, both Erion and his twin brother were given away, to separate orphanages. He grew slower than his 'siblings' but it didn't seem to bother him; he was always a very bright and happy boy, if not a little stubborn at times, so the slow goings of his size didn't seem to bother him. He'd always known he was a bender, deep down, even if the ability itself didn't surface far later than his bending peers. When he was six, he finally discovered his bending; he was an air bender. When word got to the caretaker that he was an air bender, she sent word to Tenzin immediately. The air bending master made his way to the orphanage with haste, not wanting word of a mystery air bending child to get out to the public.

Erion never set foot from the orphanage after that day, until the day he received his tattoos. His training was kept under lock and key and kept in the old gym building. His days were filled with training, as were most of his nights. Eight years of rigorous training with nobody but a tired father of eventually three young air benders left him wishing for a small piece of his childhood he didn't even remember anymore to hold onto and to gain comfort from. When he turned fourteen, Tenzin and a few air acolytes gave him his mastery tattoos and he can honestly say he'd never felt something quite so excruciating or painful. None of them flinched; not once.

He ran away after that, not from the city, just from Air Temple Island and the orphanage. He eventually met a fourteen year old boy named Tuari, a strong earth bender who also grew up in an orphanage and who also ran away, though he ran away much sooner. Tuari and Erion became fast friends and when they turned nineteen they both discovered they had a rare gift, normally passed from parents who were strong benders of opposing elements; Both Tuari and Erion were dual benders of Earth and Air. It took them three years but they eventually tracked down that Tenzin and Lin Bei-Fong were their parents, though Tenzin never knew of them until Erion was six. They parted ways, keeping in touch often, and went off to continue their own lives.


➳other; the two headshots in the middle are his pets; Fluffy McSparkle, the Sabre Tooth Moose-Lion he found as a cub and named at the age of three and a half {thus the name} and Thomas, the flying bison he was given when he turned eight {named so to counter-act Fluffy's ridiculous name... it didn't work}.

➳tattoos; blue arrows; down center of head, along spine, under/ forearms, and back of legs/ shins - significance; mastery tattoos
lotus flower tattoo; left side of mastery arrow on neck - significance; spiritual awakening {received after arrow tattoos, at seventeen}
moon and stars tattoo; right side of mastery arrow on neck - significance; reach for what you want, even if it seems impossible
moose-lion antlers tattoo; shoulder blades - significance; virility {wink}
➳scars; faintly pictured above, he has a through and through sword wound on his left side. he didn't go to the hospital, because he's a doof, just had a healer patch him up though now there's a seven inch long and two inch wide scar on both his front and back left side.

Art by - TheYampire
character - Mine, actualcheetah
A:TLA and A:LoK - Bryan Konietzko and Michael Dante DiMartino