X (-♠-Decay X-♠-)



6 months, 6 days ago


X in Decayverse witch belongs to alter

 X  Argylle

Age: 30 something 

Gender: Agender

Pronouns: he/him 

Class: Survivor 

Species: Skelly (probably with something else mixed in too, 3ed eye, weird tail goes feral at times. His a little funky)

Sexuality: Polysexual 

Hight: 5’

Personality: X is quite stern and standoffish. He doesn't trust people, especially those who come from big cities. He is nice though. If someone is in big trouble sometimes he’ll help. If he feels like it. X is tired 24-7 as a result of not sleeping much due to living outside where everything is out to kill you. he dosent speak much due not being able to put his thoughts into words. he prefers to not speak at all or speak in simple short sentences. its all he can mange to say most of the time. his an anarchist

Favourite food: berries and anything that is sweet. Sweet things are hard to come by. 

Favourite drink: tree sap. He likes honey too but that's not really a drink..

Favourite colour: pink/gold

Alignment: Chaotic evil. His on his own path 

Songs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCq4AGKhQVDeqIF_wU1houal8V2eOJ77e 

Voice Claims: Blizo/Asmodeus from helluva boss/Ratchet from transformers prime. 

has a little bit of a limp due to a past injury. he cant run for very long other and is prone to tripping over tree roots and waht nots

X takes a great deal of pride in his appearance. He wears a lot of fur, leather, animal skins, feathers and bones and stuff like that. All of them are trophies or have some kind of meaning to them 

X loves hunting down withers, it's a sport to him.

Since food is hard to come by X always has some stocked in his bags. As well as food and fresh water for Jasper. 

he has an under bite 

When X was younger he was trained to be an archer. But that fell short as he never really clicked with it. So he went on to take over his grandfather's shop. Said shop use to sell clothes, weapons, bags, that kinda thing.

Working their gave X all the skills he needed to survive on his own 

Aside from Jasper X is lonely. He wishes he could settle down with someone on a little farm out in the middle of nowhere. Away from everything and anything bad. 

On one hand that sounds amazing to him. Having a lover. A friend. Someone that's always there. Somewhere safe to sleep and live. 

But on the other hand, it sounds boring. Doing the same thing day in and day out. It would be like living in his city again. Where he was board. 

Boredom can lead a man into doing crazy things. 

X never wants to admit that he has a strong contention to magic. He tried everything he could to see it though and use that magic. But to no avail. 

Maybe one day he could put an end to this madness. 

Going back to being a trained archer. Over time X fell back in love with his bow and arrows. And since meeting Jasper X now has the skill to shoot while riding him. Its very useful to be able to do. But he's annoying at times cuz he's always out of arrows and has to make more. 

X has a goal. To kill a wither class 6. He has a plan on how. But his never been brave enough to  execute it. 

X often hurts down and traps wither class 4’s to make toxic arrows. He rarely kills them tho.

one day X plans on over throwing the government. he hates anyone that is in power. X wants to kill Ranger. for whatever reason he just hates him. 

X is a hopeless romantic. anyone his ever tired to be with ends up being an asshole. 

backstroy (still a wip) 

X grew up in the skel kingdom. He and his family were and will always be outcasts.

But they were allowed to live in the kingdom even though they had messed up dnd. But it's mostly skel so they got a pass. 

X’s learnt to fight at a young age. He was going to become a soldier or a guard like his parents. 

When X turned 16 He was top of class and quite the skilled archer. He even caught the attention of Ranger and was offered a job to work as a prison guard. (a 16 year old working as a guard sounds like a bad idea but oh well) 

Seeing all those criminals chained up and locked away tiny metal boxes. It hurt him down to his soul. 

X quit his job after about a month. It was at this point when he started sneaking outside of the kingdom and met jasper. 

Only his closest friend knew of this. They would even go out though at times. 

X’s younger sister knew he was up to something but never said anything. 

If this were to get out then X, his friend, most likely his sister and Jasper would all be killed. They’ve all sent it multiple times.

It was all fun games until X’s friend was caught. They sacrificed themself for him.

X had to watch them be executed. 

It changed him. He didn't speak for months, he wasn't himself and never would be himself again. 

Instead of just crying about it X took action to put a stop to Ranger. 

His first move was to start causing chaos throughout the kingdom. Setting fires, killing off life stock, cutting off the water supply, breaking into the castle and stealing things and so much more.

This was the high he needed. 

At this point X was known as the ‘gold toothed demon’. A nickname given to him by the people of the kingdom. 

Once the first part was over it was time for the next.

To break all the lonely souls out of prison and make an army. 

The prison break was pretty hard to pull off alone. But it all went according to plan. 

Until one of the prisoners turned on X and ratted him out to the guards. 

But X took care of it. 

Murder is hard the first time but it gets easier when your life depends on it.

With all the prisoners free, four of Ranger’s best guards up in flames and a target on his back.

X was living his best life. 

Part three of the plan was to take over a small part of the kingdom. 

He had about twenty-eight people on his side.

It was going well but it turned out that one of X’s people was a spy working for Ranger. 

And that spy put X in chains and killed every last member of his team right in front of him. 

So X got his revenge by killing the spy’s family and then the spy themself. 

But now Ranger knows about X. 

And his plans.

And he wasn't long before he was captured and was to be executed publicly by Ranger himself. 

He knew this was it.

Sitting in a cell, his hands cuffed together. No light. No sound. Nothing. 

He had one last chance to escape. 

And took it when a guard opened the door.

He knocked the guard out and ran.

Stopped when he reached the room where Ranger was getting ready for the  execution. 

The things he saw there were horroried. 

X was found soon after. 

Ranger had him by the neck but all thanks to quick thinking and his tail he stabbed Ranger in the gut and made his escape. 

Bolting out the neerset door to the outside.

Jasper was there waiting…somehow he knew.

They escaped running off into the sunset never to be seen again. 

That was 4 years ago. 

There still is the threat of the guards finding him.

But that's just the fun of it right? 

X’s goal: to kill Ranger and free the skel kingdom.