


1 year, 4 months ago


Name                                                      Melt
Nickname(s)                                          The best knambit (self proclaimed)
Gender                                                   Non-binary (They/Them)
Sexuality                                                Aroace
Age                                                         24
Birthday                                                                   May 14
Species                                                  Knambit
Height                                                    5'1
Occupation                                           Mechanic 
Likes                                                      Comics, video games, music, food, blueberries, robots, technology, their hammer!
Dislikes                                                  Malwares, romance, being called short, carrots, cooking/having to prepare food


Melt is a member of Overdrive and is the main protagonist of Malicore. 

A mechanic who resides in the technologically advanced city, Technopolis–though ever so often they have to travel outside of the city. They’re an innovative and creative mind at heart–having a high understanding of mechanisms, programming and repairing broken parts. Originally going from working at a misleading company to now having their own small business that they run occasionally, as well as being a part of a heroic organization.


Melt is an energetic and confident individual that's proud of their capability and strives their best to improve! They're also quite adventurous and get excited whenever something new comes up. However, occasionally when they're looking forward to something they get too carried away, not regarding the trouble they could get themselves or their friends into. Despite that, they're a kindhearted person that will always check on their friends, making sure that they're at their very best.

They also love to chatter a lot about subjects they're deeply passionate about! In fact, they'd probably be up to talking about anything excluding things relating to their past.

Past [WIP]

Before Melt was part of Overdrive, Melt used to work at a corporation known as GEAR (Great Engineering and Repairs) after they graduated. Not much is known about what happened or why they decided to leave GEAR, but after they left, they erased any trace of their experience there.

After they left, they decided to take matters into their own hands and started their own business. They would help repair broken weapons, devices, etc. A few months afterwards, during a stroll around the city, Melt encountered Nirvana being ambushed by Mantis. With Melt being coincidentally right near the scene, they noticed the conflict and assisted Nirvana. With combined forces, Mantis was overwhelmed and fled as a result, not making another appearance until the present.



Hammer Mastery: Melt is capable of using their hammer for all sorts of attacks, such as swinging or ground pounding. The only downside is that their recklessness can cause unnecessary destruction.

Programming: They are able to program and change the functions of a device.

Enhanced Speed: They are able to run slightly faster than the average knambit as well as being able to run for longer distances. However, because of the fact that they carry their hammer around a lot, this results in their enhanced speed not being as effective for some situations.


  • Melt has a great grip, hence why they're capable of holding their hammer at any given moment.
    • It's unknown how they're able to carry it, considering its massive weight and size.
  • Melt has been friends with Casper for 10 years.
    • They used to work at Casper's family owned cafe as a cashier when they were 16.
      • They moved out with Casper eventually a few months after they became 18 and finished their education so that they could apply to a university.
  • Melt has many goals!
    • Even though Melt has decent knowledge when it comes to using their hammer, they still want to learn many tricks that they haven't yet.
    • They want to visit all sorts of places and try out different cuisines!
    • They want to train to become a proper engineer so that they can build their own projects.
  • Melt is somewhat based on me! Though I consider them more as a mascot.
  • Melt was created back in 2018.
  • Melt's name comes from an old username I used back in 2021. There's really no meaning behind it.
  • On some occasions, whenever Melt doesn't have their hammer--they'll use any sort of object that they can find (ex: a pan, wrench) as a weapon.
  • They have a playlist! [WIP]


"Think I ain't so tough, huh? Well.... I'm MORE than that!"

"Small critter, big hammer, so what? I ain't going down without a fight!"

"Hah! I'm the best knambit there is!"
