


1 year, 4 months ago


going w this nane..for now

design based off a randomly generated color palette

agender, deity basically beyond human concepts like gender but usually gets referred to as she/her

sort of like a reaper type thing, she doesn't kill people exactly but kind of pushes them towards their death then takes them to the afterlife. her horns designed off a "zombie" parasite that takes over snails and causes them to get killed, she'd do a similar sort of role with her work too

usually wears a deer skull though it's started breaking apart over time and doesn't fully cover her face anymore

no eye highlights

hourglass on her chest is real+functioning, but measures decades instead

Questions from this thread

1. where do they reside? do they like it?

She lives in the mortal world though she avoids humans as much as she can. There isn't really any specific place she resides in, but mainly like wilderness like forests and swamps. i feel like she kinda does look like some kind of swamp creature youd get really shitty blurry picture of 

2. are they an edgelord or a cinnamon roll?

she does have wear a skull so i feel like i have to go edgelord though she's pretty calm and not really trying to be evil or scary or anything.

3. do they escort souls to the afterlife?

yeah thats the main death thing she does

3A. if yes, what do they think of this job?

in the past, it was a lot more stressful for her and she'd try to comfort them, but by this point it's been thousands of years and she doesn't really care or feel anything anymore

4. what do u think makes them different from other death gods/personifications of Death?

i took some inspiration from a type of parasite from her which ive never seen before :0 also even tho her colours were randomly generated not something i came up with i feel like they usually are mostly black rather than her desaturated green/yellow palette 

5. what is their temperament? what about personality types?

 calm, quiet, reclusive, cold but not really mean. i dont think she has enough personality for a type but..istj maybe

6. what are their hobbies?

honestly i dont really think she would have hobbies, like so much time has to be spent with her work and she's kind of dead inside and doesn't really enjoy doing anything. any little bit of free time she has is just spent sitting around in the woods

7. what is their aesthetic that they would like?

swamp creature

8. what symbols do they have? ex. for thanatos it would be the black rose bc fancy and pretty and edgy except this rose would have a black stem, also black swans

honestly not really sure. there are some kind of deathy symbols with her design, skull, hourglasses, and these little black hands reaching up along the edges of her clothes but uhmn idk if these would really be her symbols specifically

9. what are their fave colors? do they like the color black?

green. i dont think she'd like black that much actually

10. what are their fave animals? are these animals symbollic for them? are these animals considered omens in the world of the living in their universe?

I think she'd generally like animals a lot in general because unlike humans they can't understand what she is and they're only scared of her in the same way they'd be scared of other animals or of humans. Not sure if she'd really have a specific favourite though

11. i think the death seasons are winter (more common i think) and summer (underused in my opinion, perfect for a fire elemental). is ur oc associated with either one of these seasons? what about fall (i think this could be a neutral element since it is the opposite of spring)?

I don't really associate her with any, but she does have this like moss growing all over her so i feel like..if i had to pick one id go with spring actually? shes very desaturated for spring though idk lol

12. what elements are they associated with, if any?

13.  What is their alignment?  Is this different from the alignment that mortals tend to assign to them?

lawful neutral. it's difficult for mortals to really have a perception of her but theyd probably mostly assume she's more evil

14. Is there a personification of Life in their universe? What do they think about this personification of Life and what does Life think of Death?

I think there would be, but I haven't made them yet lol

15. If they are from a universe where deities are a thing, are they perceived similarly or differently from other kinds of deities?  Do they get along with other deities?  Do mortals treat them the same or differently from other kinds of deities?

Again i do think there would be more deities though they haven't been made yet. I think she wouldn't really interact much with them though, and mortals wouldn't like her as much and be more scared of her. i imagine the other deities wouldnt avoid interacting with mortals as much as she does, so they basically only see her if they're about to die. so she'd be considered a lot more creepy and scary and disliked even compared to other deities who personify/control other negative things. 

16. If they are perceived as or act as any kind of antagonist, is this reputation deserved? Is their title of antagonist acquired from a means other than being a personification of death?  If they are an antagonist, are they closer to a traditional villain who enjoys destruction, or are they more like an antivillain who represents death as one of the forces of nature/a necessary part of the cycle of life and death?

Kind of perceived as an antagonist, kind of this like cryptid ghost story and some people not believing she even exists. Mostly just from being a personification of death, since she doesn't go out of her way to cause suffering or anything. She's definitely not a traditional villain, more just like some tired old person just trying to do her job 

17.  Do they have other duties besides being a personification of death?  If they are a deity of death, are they a deity associated with other things as well? (ex god of life and death, god of death and war)

no just the death stuff

18.  When mortals portray a personification of death in art/writing/etc how closely does this interpretation match your character? Are there any noticeable differences or similarities?  Do they look similar?

there's a lot of inconsistency with how she's portrayed. design wise i think any media made of her will always have the skull but less distinct features or stuff that would blend in more when someone sees her off in the woods might change. personality wise she's probably portrayed as a lot more evil and creepy than she really is. and something children might see as kind of like bloody mary or hanako and then the adults are like come here little timmy that thing will actually fuck you up stop trying to summon it by throwing sticks into the toilet

19.  What are some interesting powers/abilities/traits that they have?  Do they have magical powers?  What kind of magic do they know?

I think the way she kills mortals could be an interesting ability, because rather than doing it directly she takes control of them and leads them to their deaths. so she's not going to come up and break your neck but she will make you fall off a cliff and break your neck

20.  If they reside in an area related to the afterlife/underworld, how did they get here?  Do they rule over this place?  Do they wish they could reside somewhere else?

I think there would be a separate person for that, she can visit the afterlife but it's not where her work is