Lapis Lazuli



6 years, 1 month ago


   Basic info

Name: Lapis Lazuli
Age: appears in his 20ies
Gender: male
Species: Lurch
orientation: Homosexual
Hight: 176 cm
World: Ilirea

   Design details

• Please use the first picture in his gallery as reference!
• He's got yellow scalera + bar like pupils
• Inside of his mouth is blue
• Can be drawn with nail polish black/blue (optional)
• Don't forget his piercings!


Very open, talkative, positive outlook. Loves to be a bit naughty, seductive and flirty, usually for no reason other than having fun. He has a certain appeal to people, who feel drawn to him by his flirty behavior and sarcastic jokes, an ability he is aware of and likes to use, unrelated to his interest in the person. Just for personal fun, sometimes money or shelter.
After transforming (see Lurch species sheet linked in basic info), Lapis did learn to talk rather fast and figured out the effect he has on others almost at the same time. He started living by selling himself for money and shelter, preferably to men, sometimes to woman as well. He doesn't take it very serious, that's merely the way he survives. At least that was the case until he met a certain individual.
Vanryth. Somewhat naturally Lapis was attracted to him. A good built, very strong, manly. So he thought he might as well give it a try. And while he was sure his flirts were working judging by the man's reaction, upon his request to spend the night with him, the Man was embarrassed, acting as though he didn't see it coming... Later Lapis confirmed, that this guy just didn't want to admit to himself to be attracted. However, this was the first time Lapis got rejected in that specific way. His interest grew beyond simply attraction.
Lapis decided to find out more about Vanryth. He was the leader of a guild and was feared by everyone who wasn't following him. Basically the definition of a soft heart in a rough shell. Something that surprised Lapis but also something he found incredibly appealing for some reason. He loved that contrast a lot, even though his personality turned out to be way simpler than he thought.

Lapis ended up joining the guild, becoming a good friend and thanks to his smart ideas and... of course the fact that Vanryth was kinda into him - even though he'd never admit, Lapis climbed up to be his right hand.
Even after the guild dissolved because of a line of very unfortunate events and Vanryth losing his ability to fight like he could before, Lapis stayed by his side. He tried to go back to his old lifestyle but it just didn't feel as fun anymore. Luckily now that Vanryth doesn't have to bear the responsibility of his guild anymore he started opening up to his feelings slowly but surely. Maybe the fact that his brother Reiji, a doctor is now visiting a lot more regularly ever since he got the injury that stopped him from fighting, did help as well. Reiji soon recognized Vanryths feelings and decided to help bring Lapis together with him.

They aren't quite a couple yet, but it's really going into this direction.




hopefully boyfriend one day
toyhouse link not available yet - Lapis is open about being in love with Vanryth. Pretty much everyone who knows them knows it's mutual. But Vanryth doesn't want to admit it to himself. Most people are too afraid to talk to him about it, only Lapis and Vanryth's brother Reiji are trying to make him accept his feelings. So... It's a slow process.


This is an AU of Lapis being in Akito's world! Lapis and Akito are not in love with each other, but Lapis does like to tease Akito a lot and he often makes well... slightly sexual jokes embarrassing to the other one. In the end they enjoy each other's company as friends.


Salamander and Lapis don't really have a real relationship yet, it's more of a promotional thing to promote the species^^'' However they'd probably just be buddies having fun with each other, if they actually knew each other.