

Short summary of the story - started sth more detailed but i dunno when i finish :')

Nyx used to be a nameless girl, an orphan who managed to escape her situation by hiding on a ship, which brought her to a richer nation. This was not helping her tho, the moment she was found she was chained and sold as a slave. Not knowing the language or anything, her owner treated her as an exotic piece of furniture, having her dance and perform for him.

Eventually she grew up into a teenager, petite and exotic as she looked to the people - you can only imagine the dark thoughts they had about her at the time. She was smart though. She knew her situation exactly and she started playing with her owner's desires. Leading him on, gaining favors, slowly raising her worth.

This earned her the nickname Lilith, the succubus. Her feelings toward these men were neutral. She didn't like any of their acts and antics. However they helped her survive, thus she kept going and going. Until Ragnarök eventually noticed her- turning her into an actual succubus. He finds notorious characters and gives them abilities for them to be remembered as legends. After gaining this opportunity, the girl chose a new name: Nyx.
She had no need to follow anyone anymore. She finally felt free, but also empty. She was no succubus. In fact... Her desires did not exist. The moment she did not have to rely on seduction to survive anymore, she stopped entirely. To her weirdly, after turning into a succubus she suddenly felt more human than before.

Living through the years, she often watched quietly, sometimes involving herself here and there, mostly wandering, looking for a place to call home.

Eventually she ended up joining Titania on her endeavors to play with humanity. Who knows if she's wholeheartedly on Titanias side or simply there to pass time?