


8 years, 7 months ago


Faintly a light glimmered amongst the dark. For the longest time it stayed there, seeming to ripple or twist, but never mounting or dissipating in size until finally other glimmers, smaller than the first, assembled to watch and whisper in faint voices. No one is sure what they spoke of; not until the change. A wave of energy swept past, from an unknown source, hitting the stagnant flicker. The resulting flare would have deadened our eyes; luckily we weren’t actually there to see it. We only know that from that light came Hoshiko. As it receded it left dim patches of swirling light stayed playing against the darker fur of the creature. Small buds were situated on her back, and unfurled into the tiniest of wings which would later grow into the majestic sight we know them as now. Her eyes were bright with curiosity and she rolled them around quickly taking in all there was to see about her. The smaller lights gathered to a side and watched fascinated by the change. What had been so seemingly close to them had completely transformed into a beautiful sight. Wondering what would happen next they decided to stay and observe the creature as she grew. And it was from them that she bore her name. It would be untold years until the full beauty of Hoshiko as we see it now would come to be, but the start have always been there. There are many stories that can be told, which are true and which are fiction we may never know for sure. One thing is for certain, we know her here as the bringer of lights. Before when she came, long before our time, she brought with her the stars that shine in our nights. Though things were different then, and she was little more than a pup herself. Wherever she landed her paws light shone in the wake, and much of what you see now came from her. The fading lights are from her ventures long past, and these brighter ones are from not so long ago now, when I was much younger. Now her wings are large and bright, lighting the way for her followers to see for miles and miles leaving trails behind when she stretches them. Many think of these as galaxies all their own, but those of us who guard her knowledge know the truth of the beautiful sights. Her paws still leave the stars, and so much of the glow coats her fur that they glow. She blends in with the sky at twilight and dances for only those who know what to look for. So keep your eyes and your heart open, and perhaps you'll see her yourself one day. As for how I know these things to be true, and how I know the star child is really the one who lights our nights with brilliance, well I've met her. She stands much bigger that even I do, and when you can fly as high as I can it seems easy to reach the spots where she rolls and plants her stars. She's a lively one, and always full of so many questions, and stories of all the places she has been! And oh the places she has seen, and the beings she has watched! I think, in time, I should like to try to follow her away and see some of the wonders she as described to me before. Entire planets with nothing but water, or lush forests! Storms that cover miles and miles of trees and sand, and oh the different creatures she has met..everything from dragons to nymphs. But most of all, I wish to bask in the light of knowledge, to speak with her about her growing, to really know her secrets. Perhaps if we could find what caused that wave, just maybe we could find a way to make it so she wasn't so alone. I have our family, our whole race, and I suspect when Hoshiko grows old in her years as I have, that she might want company other than the stars; or maybe I am just mesmerized and wanting of that beauty to be multiplied. Whatever may come I relish the time I spent with her, and pray that she shares her spirits with many to come.


Hoshiko! Hoshiko!
A reflection in the stream’s flow,
Starry paws lighting the path she’ll go,
A tapestry of the night she (sows),(alt--’grows’)
Hoshiko! Hoshiko! Hoshiko!
A gentle hush settled on the creatures below, as they glanced skywards, eager to try and be the first to spot the start of the nightly event. Such a thing only happened annually—if even that—and it was a wonderful time to gather and share their admiration of the sky. Any amount of superstition would accompany these nights, but even more than that were the stories that would be told, both before and after—stories of a time before stars, before life flourished in the world. Of a star-eyed wanderer, and her many adventures as she illuminated the universe, granting warmth and sparks of hope to cold, blighted worlds.

A cry split the night, accompanied by gasps and yips as a star began to glide, serenely, across the sky. Then another, and another—a pathway grew, ethereal paw steps alighting between the gaps of darkness. And more swirled into sight, as the sky itself became alive with the mingling of star-strewn creatures. While those below could never know the purpose they had, their movements always caused a great amount of excitement and awe.

Some laughed their joy aloud, and shared in the excitement of others. Pockets of silence were here and there, as the beauty and gentle might of the sights fascinated those creatures to their core, and to speak would shatter the spell they were swept up within.

And what of those above? The beasts who looked down upon those worlds, full of starlight and dust, who roamed or rested within the vacuum of space.

What is there for them to look up to?

“Perhaps it is unknowable to those of us bound to this colorful and warm land. But where we cannot know, we can still appreciate and love. To give thanks, and to carry down the stories that have been told since ages past.

“You’d ask what those beasts of the stars look up to, and that is a story. If time permits, I would be most glad to share it... It all started in a void. Blanker than nightmare, deeper than any pit, but in that darkness alone, were lights. Some moved; explored, and ventured far with their halo, but they were without purpose, or knowledge of themselves. All was cold; all was lonely. A time without dreams. A reality devoid of emotion and compassion.

“For however long it lasted—and they say, or, at least how I was always told this story—it lasted for no time at all, but for an eternity. How long do you dwell within your nightmares, how lost do you become in despair, and you are there. But you awaken; but you find the strength to keep going. And from there, from that strength, rippled throughout that inky darkness. And awoke one flickering light.

“The relief daybreak brings after a harsh night; the joy of being free at last, from worries and burdens; all at once, the warmth and power of that strength grew to embody that light, and the first—perhaps only of her kind—was born. And the scattered lights found her, shining through the darkness. And then, she was just as small as we; the great oak’s roots could cradle her, the sun stone by the river could hold her. As she opened her eyes, the lights came to see; as she yawned, and poked her snout about, the lights came to feel; and as her wings, as delicate as the moon’s light, but as pure as snow, shook and flapped, the lights gained courage. As fledglings, any amount of the lights then went to populate the void; no longer did they fear, for their hearts grew bold, their spirits strong. They shone upon the worlds that had been forgotten, and beckoned life. And life responded, tentatively beginning to flourish among the new hope.

“And the hope that brought this about—that light, from whom responded to that elusive strength—she was raised among those lights. She wandered from one to the next, and even down to these worlds; for, her being allows this to be so. She is made of the same stardust as you and I, and yet… She is more. We are one in body and in spirit; but to her, we owe our own ability to find strength amidst the darkness, the will to succeed, and the capacity to heal. These lessons she learned from us, just as she gave them to us, and to the lights, as they listened to her stories, and were a part of her life.

“But the lights remained in our sky, as a promise that they’d never abandon us. While she wandered—and still does, you know—many of the lights, having found a life to hold, remained there, to reassure us. She couldn’t be everywhere at once, in the great night sky. And so, even when she is not here, her friends are, to remind us of the power we all have. And that we are never alone, to be forfeit to the darkness ever again.

“Her tale is one we all have been in, at some point or another; even if it has yet to come. Maybe you have stumbled across a wisp of her in your nightmares, or where you felt weakest. You are here now—and so, that voice that coaxed you from the nightmare, the strength of will you found within yourself to push through your time of weakness, are all wisps and strands of her influence. She cares for us all, and her yearning to live all that can be lived, to love all that can be loved, and to experience reality in all of its complexities; to weep and laugh, to celebrate and mourn, and to do so with as much passion as possible; to never be false in her emotions, and perfectly candid to all she meets, to encourage them to be all they can be. To live their life to the fullest, in the only way they can. All she hopes is to get a taste of each individual’s experience, to be a part of their story, and ensure they will be glad for all they have done.

“It was the stars that named her; maybe those first lights that were there to meet her, or any one of the lights that came after. And her name remains the same, after all that time.

“Perhaps the loneliest light; perhaps the most traveled and wisest. Young at heart, guileless in spirit, her name…

“Is Hoshiko.”


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