Collin Gowin (Extra detail)



While this section covers some worldbuilding, it's more specific in how it applies to the character

While my world isn't ready to be public, I'll link it when it's finished

Collin has a unique ability to shapeshift, it happens most among dark magicians but still uncommon. He gets it from his dad, who when he figured that out, made sure to show Collin how it’s done. Shapeshifting requires extensive knowledge about the animal of choice and anatomy. He modeled his wolf after his dad’s wolf, but his is smaller and chubbier, he’s still working on making his wolf form more menacing.

Law enforcement
Collin has oddly little run-ins with law enforcement. The town he lives in is small and largely underfunded, and his dad got arrested in the larger city nearby. He got away with more things than he should have in school simply by on paper being labeled as a troubled child with a single mother. People pitied him. 

Adam’s Gang
His dad formed a sort of gang before he was born. There aren’t many members and gang isn’t completely the correct term for it, it has a lot of clut-like trends to it. He finds people down on their luck and in a bad spot, and promises to find them purpose. While he uses his collection of people to commit basic crimes, he also uses them for some of his personal research for illegal magics. It’s very hushed up and with very few people in his circle, he tends to track them and make sure they stay in line. But he mostly tries to convince them that he should be the center of their lives.
Because of his heavy resemblance to his dad some of his dad’s followers have taken a certain liking to him, others simply pity him, knowing some of how his dad affected him. Some of them even hope he’ll follow in his dad’s footsteps completely.