Puck Foster



6 years, 27 days ago



Puck Foster

Age: looks 18 real age is unknown
Birthday: May 19
Sex: male
Race: Dark fairy
Height: 5'4
Weight: 116 ibs 


Orientation: bisexual
Status: engaged\open relationship

Role: Uke
he's always down for a good time ie sex has a bit of a masochistic streak he also has a real thing for stockings\lingerie he can be very dominant at times


Origin: gift to me from https://toyhou.se/Elvaneyl 

Art value:???

Trade: NEVER 


HTML: KnightOfSpring

Background: ?????

Here is the link to the coding!



Puck can always be found getting into some new form of mischief a classic trouble maker at his best eternally playing pranks on people wantonly sealing things he likes and other small bits of mayhem

besides being a general nuisance Puck is the prince of the dark fay in his home realm one day to be king himself if he wasn't a total spoiled brat at times you probably wouldn't guess he's a prince at all he's always running away from his responsibilities ie studying/ training for that king thing most of the time you'd have to literally drag him to his lessons this has gotten much much worse

after he started to taking a great interest in the human world nowadays it's all he talks about wanting to go there so very badly he spent a great deal of his time learning how to enter the human realm according to Puck it would have only taken him a few days to get over if his

father hadn't been constantly nagging him about his studies training and new arranged engagement yes roll that back a minute Puck is in fact engaged to the land of lights princesses Shayna as a very shaky attempt at peace between the two waring lands they've never attempted to unify the kingdoms before so far it's went very well except for the fact that

Puck and Shayna have a love hate relationship mostly hate for that matter on their best days they make okay friends they rarely agree on anything besides finding one another attractive that is although we'll get to that in a moment one other thing they have in common happens to be the human realm the both of them love it Puck wishing to go and being shocked as hell that Shayna has already been several times it throw him for a loop after finally finding something they both like to talk about they've become better friends

and have realised that they both hate this engagement studying and training altogether Shayna of the two does try to make it work too little to no success having spent more time around the ever annoying and meany Puck shes startted to relises

he's that way for a reason Pucks father is in no way a kind man his training is brutal along with any of his teachings Puck has been raised to be a killing machine a warrior if you will after talking to her father about the way Puck has been treated in his life

he suggests they take a trip somewhere to attempt to get puck somewhere calm and safe Shayna immediately thought of the human realm and asked her father if it would do seeing as how Puck wanted to go there anyway he agrees with her and sends her to fetch Puck from his home a long flight later she finds Puck badly injured from his training that's still going on she informs his father that she needs Puck to help plan their wedding more and that they have to finish his training later on

she then elects to drag Puck out of the room then tells him their going to the human realm on a mission not caring at all about a mission or anything of the sort Puck agreed to come with her simply to get to the other side they returned to her homeland and with the help of her father they set off for the human realm pissed to no end when he finds out there's a gate in her home for just that

Puck and Shayna set off after a few weeks of bouncing around randomly due to Pucks shit starting habits they eventually find them selvies staying at Shayna's home in the realm with Puck constantly being up to no good it's still a rocky road for poor Shayna pretty much babysitting him all the time

besides all that dram tho Puck and Shyana are sorta better friends\roommates\ocsonal lovers XD Puck is still through and through a giant pain a trouble maker to the core and proud of it to he's also more than a bit flirty he would hit on anyone if they stood near him long enough all and all Puck is pretty moody most of the time pretty childish or bratty

if you could get him to actually like you tho he would do anything for you much like Shayna they may still fight constantly but he would do anything for his new "friend" or chipper as he likes to call her wouldn't recommend getting on his bad side tho he can

be more than a bit cold\mean or just a majur pain in the ass

Puck also has a real fondness of alcohol and sweets lots of the time he can be found drunk of his ass or eating something he shouldn't occasionally you can find him crossdressing cause according to him it's "fun" due to this and his normal appearance most people find it very difficult to tell if he's a boy or a girl witch he has a love hate relationship with when crossdressing he takes it as a good thing when dressed "normally by his standards that is" it piss him of to the max

he's also more than a bit cocky\arrogant he would prob punch you if you called him short as well despite him being short he has a great love of heels do to this won't admit it tho he's been known to have a fits as well all around Puck is

kinda a moody bab XD

(well prob put more here latter on but for now my brain is tap city XD)


Shayna - Fiance\ friend
Person - ?????
Person - ?????
Person - ?????
Person - ?????
Person - ?????
Person - ?????


Likes: ~Alcohol\drinking


~Fave foods Honey milk whisky honey cakes sugar cookies pears Ale

~playing pranks\getting into trouble

~toying with humans

~cross dressing\womens clothing

~likes jewelry




~casting magic on peoples

~sex lots and lots of sex







~star gazing

~stealing things


Dislikes: ~his height\being called short


~work of any kind


~his father


~Chipper\naive people

~light fay

~being told what to do



~can take on a smaller form around the size of a small doll


~illusion magic

~glamour magic

~darkness magic


~his very fast

~charm spells




Talents: ~fighting

~starting shit\being annoying



~being charming xd






~Physical attributes

~he's not very big stands at 5'4

~rather leth

~when angry\turned on his eyes glow

~he's a bit muscular as much as he could be so far

~has naturally spiky blue hair

~has pierced ears and cartilage piercings on both ear three on the left two on the right

~his wings are kinda glittery

~has bright red eyes

~he looks eerily like his mother

~wears mostly punk clothes

~always wears stockings

~wears a mask most of the time

~usually wearing some kind of jewelry

~often wears heels or thick shoes\boots

~Attitude, how they carry themselves ~flirty to the core

~can come of outright insane\just plan wierd

~arrogant\cocky most of the time

~can be cold\serious

~would do anything for you if he liked you

~every blue moon he can be very sweet

~under all his layers he's actually a very kind boi

~would sincerely kill you if you hurt a loved one of his

~is always hitting on somebody

~isn't judgemental in anyway about anything

~he has respect for his father and is also scared of him

~he has a love hate relationship with cats

~is childish\braty most of the time
