Leysa Hessionto (Extra detail)



While this section covers some worldbuilding, it's more specific in how it applies to the character
While my world isn't ready to be public, I'll link it when it's finished

School System
Voltrum’s public school system is divided into three parts, lower, middle, and specialized. The specialized is around ages fourteen to eighteen, and has several options, one is to continue general education, and then there are different schools for different career paths, such as more math oriented or service oriented careers. There are public and private schools available that cover more specific fields.
Leysa joined a private school that has good ties to the military. She wanted to specialize in the military but wouldn’t mind joining the police force. She lives in the dorms mostly on campus and has classes that cover other things than combat, but she has little to no desire to do engineering or communication related jobs. Her parents are trying to push her towards communications but she is hard set to where she wants to be.