


1 year, 22 days ago


Name: Gidget

Birthday: July 12

Voice claim: Yuri Lowenthal

Likes: Jessi, playing video games

Dislikes: Being reminded he's a robot

Bio: Gidget is a product of Mobi, a small but powerful techno-corporation in Los Riveracci. Gidget was built 20 years ago, but doesn't remember much about his past. He receives strange flashbacks of someone comforting him in a small room every now and again. He awoke when Jessi took him after the raid on Mobi with her, Ceci, and Renji. After Renji instructed Jessi to run, Gidget was awoken when Jessi activated/re-awakened him. Jessi would anoint herself his " caretaker " as they both traverse the unknown landscapes of the underground city. Both of them are now wanted bounties.

Personality: Gidget tends to be incredibly snippy and sarcastic to people he doesn't know, especially if they belittle him. Deep down, however, Gidget feels lonely and insecure even when he's with friends. He hates to admit when he's wrong or overreacting, but is also sensitive to affection. One wonders if there's something he's running from...

Weapons: Laser fingers