


6 years, 22 days ago

Basic Info


Miroslav Tashonov (Мирослав Ташонов)








Aromantic Asexual


Kirov, Russia


September 8, 1972




6' 3"






65651102_BArdjwBYhRKHWXT.png?1685398999In 1972, Miroslav's life began after being cloned. He was 20 at the time. He is the result of radioactivity, which made Yuri fall ill and produce a clone. After painfully splitting from his body, Miroslav waited for Yuri to wake up. The following morning, he introduced himself as Miroslav (and not Yuri). While Yuri was surprised, he accepted Miroslav, who seemed to be distant and moody. Eventually, the two would consider each other brothers. Though life was difficult for Miroslav, he needed answers as to what happened and who he truly is. Eventually he would find out the Soviet government had been purposely poisoning the people of Kirov with radioactive elements. The purpose was to see the effects of said radiation. Many strange things happened, and Miroslav was not the only clone. 

Miroslav would suffer the consequences of being clone. Genetically, he was exactly like Yuri, but some of his genes were mutated or odd. The results were darker hair, red eyes, and an opposite personality. He also suffered from epilepsy as a result. He would soon get a dog and train it to alert him of his seizures. The dog would in turn nudge him if he were to fall ill. Yuri was concerned for Miroslav's health, but he insisted he could deal with it himself. His seizures were specifically tonic clonic seizures. He would fall unconscious, his body would go stiff, and then he'd start convulsing. After he'd return to consciousness, he'd be tired and confused. But once he was aware of the situation, he'd close himself off from others.

This behavior would also have consequences. Once he met Polina, she would see how isolated he got after a seizure. He insisted he was fine and had everything in check, only to push people away and refuse their support. But on good days he was quite pleasant to be around. He'd even play songs on the balalaika or accordion. Polina found him to be a charming man. After several years, they wanted to try for a family. Then in 1980, his daughter Alina was born.


Keywords - reserved, protective, irritable, serious, modest


Alina Tashonova - daughter

Katyusha - friend

Kostya - friend

Masha - owner

Misha - owner

Polina - partner

Yuri Zavrazhin - friend

Random Facts:


Zodiac: Virgo

Season: Summer

Element: Earth

Alignment: True Neutral


Enneagram: 5w6

Trivia & Headcanons:

- He is a clone of Yuri. Due to issues during the cloning process, some traits such as his hair and eyes became a different color. Also, some aspects of his personality are opposite to that of Yuri.

- Miroslav has epilepsy. He often tries to hide it.

- He can play the balalaika and accordion.

- He knows how to make his own vodka using potatoes.

- His outfit is an inverted version of Yuri's.

- He smokes cigarettes.

- He is sometimes seen holding a hammer and sickle. This is a reference to the Soviet Union.

- He usually tries to deal with his health issues alone. He doesn't want Yuri to worry about him.

- His nickname is Slava.


Clone Degeneration (In the last years of his life, Miroslav's health declines from complications of being a clone. To the point that he is wheelchair bound.)

Convulsive Seizures (Miroslav's epilepsy results in some serious seizures, where he loses control of his body.)

Don't You Dare Pity Me!

Nuclear Mutant (Radiation resulted in the creation of Miroslav.)

The Alcoholic (He drinks a bit too much. Though he never admits he has a problem.)

Vodka Drunkenski (Miroslav uses vodka as a coping mechanism.)