


6 years, 27 days ago


got from Wesley <3 below writing by her

"Anyone would have to be lying if they said that Neapolitan wasn't one of the most friendly people they've ever met. He's hardly ever had a bad run-in with someone, because he can get along with others very easily. He's very understanding of other people's needs and problems, and he doesn't judge anyone for being who they are. He's very accepting and doesn't care what his friends are like, as long as they're kind, caring people! Everyone finds him to be incredibly charming, but no one can take him very seriously. They treat him as though he's younger than he truly is, because he tends to be a goof-off. He can't take things very seriously and is a poor listener because he loves to fidget. When others try to speak to him or there are long periods of silence, Neapolitan will always butt in. He has the tendency to cut other people off when they talk, which is truly quite rude, but others have come close to realizing that it's normal and completely innocent for him.

Neapolitan is adaptable and could probably get along well in any situation. He doesn't mind catching colds, extreme weather, or large crowds very much. He tolerates a lot of things. Two things, however, that he cannot tolerate are being told that he is wrong and extreme isolation or being alone. He also hates being betrayed, which happens all-too-often to the most innocent and naive of souls. He often feels like he is replaced by friends and potential love interests because he's too energetic and hyperactive, too difficult to understand, or too far away to visit very often. He doesn't feel like he's very important to a lot of people, and it hurts him when he's amongst friends and they all turn their attention to others.

Even though Neapolitan's feelings can be hurt by criticism and abandonment, he's very forgiving. You can hurt him in the worst of ways, and he'll usually bounce back pretty quickly. The catch is that you have to be willing to ask for forgiveness. If you do not want to be forgiven, he'll have no trouble holding a grudge against you. He tends to steer clear of those he doesn't trust after they've proven themselves not to be trustworthy at all. Neapolitan doesn't ever start a fight, and he embraces pacifism as a whole. Instead, he tends to keep away from those he dislikes. He avoids confrontation at all costs.

Neapolitan really doesn't know a stranger. He'd gladly invite the mailman into his house for a quick piece of cake or a short conversation. He has very few enemies, because he's so easy to get along with. You don't have to really say much to Neapolitan. He runs the conversation by himself, which makes things very easy for those who have social anxiety. He never puts anyone on the spot. He loves to make others feel good about themselves, but he has a tendency to lie in order to save others' feelings, which can be both a positive and negative trait. His favorite thing to do is to get people to smile for him. He thinks a smile is the most beautiful thing anyone can have.

Neapolitan is pretty brave. He likes to watch horror movies because they never actually scare him. He knows that the world is not an innocent place, but he goes along with whatever is happening, because he doesn't really fear death of deprivation. Most nights, he doesn't lock the door whenever he goes to bed. He simply doesn't mind it. He trusts others' a bit too much, in the opinion of most of his friends and acquaintances. He doesn't have any phobias or anxiety issues, except for moths, which he is terrified of. He thinks that they're horrible, ugly, works of the devil and squeals in disgust any time he meets one face to face. He can kill a spider with a tissue with no problem, but moths will be avoided or exterminated at all costs.

Neapolitan doesn't always see eye-to-eye with others, because he has a tendency to act on impulse. He makes impulsive decisions without actually weighing cost/benefit, which really irritates his OCD friends. Neapolitan has firmly decided that everything in life is like a science. If you try it and you fail, then you must try a different way. If you offend others in the process, you can simply apologize and explain your theory. He doesn't usually offend others, but he cheats himself out of benefits when he doesn't take the time to consider his options before making decisions. Ah well, he has a tendency to speak exactly what's on his mind! The only time he hides his true feelings is when he thinks that whatever he has to say will hurt others. For example, if someone were to say, "Does this dress make me look fat?" to Neapolitan, while eyeing the bulge in their stomach, he'd probably say something along the lines of, "No, you look stupendous!"

Some of Neapolitan's more negative traits include the fact that he's very greedy about his food, and he's also a minor control freak. You could use the word "grubby" to describe Neapolitan, which is a very negative word indeed. When he sees food, he eats his little heart out. He has a tendency to help himself to other's refrigerators without a second thought. He eats in a very unattractive and impolite way, but others try to see past this trait. It's true that Neapolitanwould be incapable of making friends with someone who has misophonia (a dislike or aggression towards particular sounds, especially eating noises) though; that's for certain! Neapolitan doesn't always feel the need to be in control, and he's usually content with going "with the flow." However, when it comes to 'what should we do today?' and 'what's for dinner?' Neapolitan must always make the final decision.

In addition to taking criticism particularly poorly, Neapolitan also hates losing. He's never responded to it well, so others try to let him win in board games, since it really boosts his confidence. Neapolitan may have caught onto this by now, but it doesn't bother him... as long as he always wins! His favorite game is Card Wars.

The last noticeable trait about Neapolitan is that he's very attractive and photogenic. He's almost always smiling, and he doesn't have a "bad side" and a "good side." He always looks excellent, even though he isn't always well-kept. It's a unique trait that he's blessed to have!"