



he gonna be a fallen angel stripped of his wings by an angry demon

3/3 slots

- Stuck on the physical plane, so he can interact with mortals

- He ended up voicing and doing some things he wasn't supposed to, and got himself kicked out of heaven

- He was not dealing with portals that came along his path

- And starting fights with demons unnecessarily

- But, he got accused of some things he didn't do, which has made him thirst for vengeance  

- If he ever saw that angel again... Well, let's just say, that angel won't be going back to heaven

- It was a really traumatic experience, falling from heaven

- He was very weak, and a demon that had a grudge against him ripped his wings off and left him to die

- He was able to survive, but his wings won't ever come back

- He wanders earth now, searching for the demon and angel that wronged him

- He hides behind a happy-go-lucky mask

- But inside, he's a bitter, cunning, and sadistic psychopath with a thirst for blood

- Also one hell of a con, he'll sweet talk you with jokes and kind words, rob you blind, and leave you in the dust walking away before you even realize what just happened

- "I'm not getting into heaven again, I may as well just enjoy these mortals and their sinful ways... After all, it's clear I'm no longer an angel of god."

- He has a revelation after the first few months on earth, that he may as well just enjoy himself and stop trying to be an angel

- So now he's into alcohol, cigarettes, trouble, and thrills

- Slipping into theme-parks is the best

- He enjoys sneaking into places for the adrenaline rush 

- He's been working on gaining power

- And has taken on temporary jobs as a thug

- He's going to build himself metal wings one day, and a powerful weapon

- So revenge can be had at last... And he can lay himself to rest

Acquantince Reagan

- They have a tense acquaintanceship going on 

- Sorta like:  yeah sometimes I like you and sometimes I want to punch your face in

- Since Reagan works as a meteorologist he often asks about that so he knows whether it will rain or not

- Not a fan of Bree, Reagan's friend, but he tolerates her... For the most part.

- They barely avoid fighting, since the peace is usually kept due to Reagan interfering 

Boyfriend/mate Cyril notes:

- Aka Blood Angels for ship name
- Ingreth met Cyril when he joined a gang after moving to a new city
- Since Cyril was interested in learning about this new person, he quickly took interest in Ingreth’s happy-go-lucky persona
- Since Ingreth stays in a city from anywhere of 3 - 10 years, it was plenty of time for Cyril to get attached
- Cyril uses his puppy-dog eyes to get Ingreth to do what he wants most of the time
- Eventually the persona withers away after he gets to trust Cyril
- And the fact that since Cyril is a vampire, it’s mostly alright to trust him to the fact that he’s a fallen angel himself
- Ingreth likes to have Cyril around due to the fact that he’s strong, is potential back-up in a fight, and is interesting company to say the least
- Cyril gets to take a taste of Ingreth’s blood after a fight
- Instantly and mildly addicted and a million times more curious
- Once the persona is mostly gone at that point, Cyril is a lot more interested in finding out who lies beneath the facade of a happy person
- Ingreth hops from gangs in cities at times, and Cyril is at this point done with the gang and attached enough to Ingreth to follow him to a new gang
- Eventually, they stick together as Ingreth searches for revenge, Cyril following along and deriving his own pleasure from the new cities and sights they see
- Eventually it's an established romance. Kinda like:  well, we act like a couple, we feel like a couple, so... we are a couple?
- After a few centuries of being together, Ingreth has had his revenge on the demon, and built his wings + gun (about 349 years after his fall), and eventually gets it on the angel
- But, since Ingreth had no plans besides letting himself finally die, he stays for Cyril’s sake
- So they still go exploring, but now it’s more of a buddy system rather then following one person for a while
- And, they live in multiple RV’s, each designated for a continent (Russia, the Americas, Europe, Australia, Africa, etc)
- Cyril has multiple storage systems, so they sometimes go near one to switch up the RV decoration
- The RV is filled with retro posters of movies, along with posters of the amusement parks they’ve been to, and knick knacks from all of the tourist attractions
- They have multiple scrapbooks, which look demonic, such as being dark red or black with either spider webbing or creepy designs on it
- But inside it has a lot of grainy photos, each one random and goofy and from their travels, usually with a caption of what’s going on in the pic. Usually the photo is taken by Cyril, and features a random body part of Ingreth in it. It’s either his feet, an arm, his tail, or the top of his head. Occasionally pictures are taken by Ingreth, but not usually, and Cyril is the one directing the focus. Or, sometimes, pictures someone else took at the moment that Cyril found and printed off like 'ahh good memories'
- It’s also got emoji stickers in it and normal ones, usually the type you see given to kids
- The scrapbooks have titles, usually designated to a place (like the Eiffel tower) or to a country
- It’s got loose organization, usually just put under categories of the continent the pictures were taken
- At one point, one of the first scrapbooks were taken by a cult as their holy book
- Which resulted in Cyril having to sneak in to get it, with Ingreth being the getaway driver. Unfortunately, Ingreth has no idea how to drive. So Ingreth is doing 60 in a 20, on a gravel/dirt road, as they try to get away from a shady looking cabin in the middle of the woods. Cyril is in the backseat screaming, because a) he doesn’t have his seat belt on, so he’s being tossed all over the place, b) Ingreth is swerving and almost hitting trees and running off the road, c) the ride is bumpy as all hell. Ingreth: “I GOT THIS CALM DOWN” Cyril: “AAAAAAAAAAAAAA” in his head - this is it, this is how I die. I get into a car wreck while trying to escape a cult that stole my scrapbook, because my boyfriend doesn’t know how to drive. Greatest day of my life.
- At one point Cyril teaches Ingreth to ride a motorcycle, and gets them both leather jackets, bat wings on Cyril’s back with an angel’s on Ingreth’s, and both are red. BA is printed in red at the top of the symbol, and the motorcycle’s license plates have FALLEN and VAMPIRE on it. Cyril is known as the Vampire and Ingreth the Fallen Angel. A whole scrapbook is dedicated to this period, pictures of Ingreth learning how to use the motorcycle, getting the license plates, the jackets, and finally the misadventures. Including a picture of them getting in a fist fight at a bar with a rival gang.