Bagel Hill



5 years, 10 months ago



New Jersey, United States

The Tower

Lorem ipsum


He was born the eldest of three to a modest family living in a modest suburban neighborhood. By no means could they be called wealthy, but they wouldn't consider themselves poor either. But Bagel's parents quickly saw a chance when they discovered their eldest's inclinations for music. They learned their child had perfect pitch and an ability to learn instruments and music at a monstrous speed. Although Bagel has knowledge of many (classical) instruments, his parents ushered him into specializing with the violin, and despite his parents' busy schedules, they always found time to ferry him to his musical lessons and concerts and recitals. Any prize money that he won was welcomed, and their child's talent for music was a conversation starter, a way into the more wealthy cliques that loitered the neighborhood. They loved him, but perhaps they loved Bagel's musical skills more.

This didn't bother him, not even as he entered a prestigious high school for music and discovered a world outside of the classical genre. It was a whirlwind of discoveries, vibrant colors and notes and personalities that clashed against his previous world views. It was a thrilling adventure compared to his insulated world of Mozart and Vivaldi and other classical masters. It was an adventure he considered worth continuing. Fearful, Bagel decided to apply to a music college to specialize in modern music composition.

When his parents found out, they weren't happy. The fallout was distasterous, resulting in Bagel taking a "gap" year and becoming a shut-in, save for his shifts at the local Dunkin Donuts. The quiet and proper boy had become a slob that liked to compose  and upload Vocaloid songs in his copious free time. One day he received a message, a simple question asking if he was willing to take another chance to transform his life.

He was.

Without a word, Bagel packed his belongings and savings to travel to New York, where he still works at Dunkin Donuts.

For most people, he looks like what one would expect from a middle-class boy who's risen through the ranks to become a well known musician in the high-class musical world: dresses well, polite, a certain air of confidence. Although, sometimes Bagel can come off as a presumptuous asshole trying to sound smart--and he is trying, but not because he's a jerk, but because he believes that's how he should act to be "cool." The more you talk with him the more obvious this becomes, especially when he starts to stutter and stumble (sometimes literally) and devolves into a clumsy ball of nerves.

But if you can somehow pass that then you realize Bagel can be nice and friendly, albeit on the shy and nervous side. He'd be more than eager to show you his latest music project, or talk about his waifu in the latest mobage he's been playing. Bagel can be a good friend as long as you don't expect him to do anything gutsy. Then again, he has his occasional bursts of don't-fucking-care that is most likely fueled by some sort of spite for something. There are times when he'll show no hesitation in doing that one thing you hate like a burning and he'll stare you right in the eyes as he does it. Just fully expect him to have a mental breakdown about it right afterwards. Otherwise he's actually a bit of a lazy slob who'd rather stay in bed and play games or listening to music all day.

- approx. 5'10"
- preferred outfit is a giant white tee and sweatpants. optional hoodie.
- VocaP name is ClassicP; everyone knows about his classical background. ICly music sounds a lot like Scop.
- was named after bagel because his dad loved them; Bagel hates bagels. Fuck bagels.
- can skillfully play violin, viola, and piano; basic skills in too many other instruments.
- will make the best cheap ass coffee you've ever tasted. How does he do it?
- likes games and animes because he's a recluse now