3D Art Examples



5 months, 8 days ago


Just want a place to compile my 3D work! Been poking around in blender on and off almost every 2 years since? 2016? But never really got into learning it, so I'm fixing to change that. (And also share how excited I am about the program in general.)

But yeah, what IS Blender?
It's a free 3d program! Where you can model, rig and animate your characters. It works for 2d stuff and video editing too, although I haven't tried that out yet! You can download it here, or even on steam! It works for windows, mac and linux.

Stuck a few links and resources below if you're interested. ^^

I'm not speaking as an authority on Blender, but as someone who is also  in the process of trying to learn it! I like seeing my characters and my  friend's characters in 3D, and I'd honestly love to see more people have the resources to pick it up if they're interested. I won't be  able to answer any questions if you have trouble with your modeling, but I  hope I can point you in the right direction!

Can your computer run it?
....it's complicated. There's many things you can do in blender, and some things take a lot more processing power than others. Sculpting and rendering detailed scenes? Requires a decent computer. But low poly creations can be made on lower end/older computers as well. An example of something high poly (made up of a bunch of polygons for a LOT of detail) vs low poly (made up of only the bare essentials, but when stylized, can look just as good!)  

What's the learning curve like?
Steep, but if I can do it, TRUST ME, you can do it. While it may be tricky to pick up at first, blender easily has one of the largest and most helpful communities.
Check out Blender Stack Exchange, (q & a help forum) r/blender and r/blenderhelp - not only that, but I've compiled a list or resources that I have personally followed myself and found useful.

Resources: ✨

📝Getting familiar with the program, follow along, step-by-step tutorials:

Blender Guru's 'How to make a doughnut' video.
Creating characters right away is cool n all but trust, trust, the doughnut is a time honored tradition. Easily the easiest to follow along. IMPORTANT: this tutorial is for an earlier version of blender, but can still easily be followed as not too much has changed. I will update this link when Blender Guru has finished the new series. 
PIXXO 3D'S low poly girl tutorial.
Low poly is for sure one of my favorite styles in blender, it's much more like working with say, origami to build a character, rather than sculpting clay. 
Denis Wipart's character/pigeon modeling tutorial 
A really fun one if you wanna try to do something simple and cute, although it lacks a voiceover.
Eve Sculpt's 2d drawing to 3d character
A very comprehensive tutorial that will show you not only how to build a cute, simple, character, but color it, pose it, and light it.

+How to sculpt a character
This is more advanced imo, you need to know some more basics before jumping to this one, but if sculpting is more your speed and what you're interested in, it's ideal.

Want more detailed tutorials about more specific aspects of blender? Here is some more detailed  tutorials on specific topics to help get a neat result!

📸Rendering your final image:
Lighting, turntable animation, and background
How to set up your camera and what settings to use to export a video
Turnarounds/turntables (spin your character)
Three point lighting 

🎨How to sculpt a model:
Simple + cute tutorial 
A more detailed one! And diff technique. 
Even more detailed, sculpt the whole body! (and more!)

🕺Rigging your character: 
(If you want to animate, you gotta give em BONES (rig them) first!)
Rigging a low poly character from scratch
Highly customizable, really good to know these basics imo! 
Rigging a character with Rigify, a built-in blender add-on
More restricting unless you put a lot of time into learning it, and incredibly efficient
How to weight paint your character
How to make sure the bones actually do what you want them to! (too many a time have I tried to move an arm only for the torso to flip out on me) 

💈Stylized hair:
Only stylized links because I haven't looked into how to make fur and hair yet! Feel free to link any videos you find on the matter!
Creating hair
Also creating hair but shorter video
How to animate that hair

🛠Adding fun details:
This is just a bunch of stuff I think looks neat personally :D
7 ways to add LINEART to your model
How to flatshade your model  
Toon shading, outline, greasepencil 
Toon shading and outline 

😭How to retopologize your model:
This is really only for sculpted stuff with a high poly count. i do not. like it. but it optimizes everything for posing/animation and prevents crashing.
Guide to retopology
Guide to retopology (another one)
How to retop a head

Really nice brushpack to better help you texturepaint! 
Helpful retopology addon- may not work on all versions, save your work before attempting.