Ed U. Casson



4 months, 23 days ago


The Education Agency consists of people that overlook and monitor educators, schools, and universities.
And Eddy's in charge of it.

There's always a tension in the air when word spreads that someone from the Agency is on their way. These people do not joke or laugh, they're there for one reason and one reason alone: to make sure everything is up to code. Any kind of rule violation, from large ones like a budget going to the wrong place, to small ones like not having enough lesson plans, are strictly dealt with. When someone from the Agency has to come down and investigate it usually ends with someone losing their job.

When the head is involved? Schools shut down.

Eddy takes his role very seriously. Education is important to him, and he hates the idea of people abusing the system or smirching their teaching title and harming students' potential. When he has to personally intervene that means he's had enough.
It is never a good thing when he gets involved.

But that's just during work. Outside of work Eddy is a completely different person. He's not someone you'd expect to have such a big title. Maybe you've run into him a few times and joked with him without even knowing who he really was.

Notes: I've had an idea for making The Education Agency for a long time. It's like... I've accidentally made this whole lil world for teaching. You've got the teachers, then the superintendent who can be scary and imposing because of his position, and then you have the person that's scary and imposing to him, the government people that basically lawyer up when something happens. Originally I was just going to have FBI looking people for the Agency, but then I saw this adopt and I love him a lot and had the idea that he'd be the one in charge who's a total goober outside of work!


Full Name: Ed Uther Casson

Nickname: Eddy, Dr. Casson

Age: 39

Birthday: November 12

Sexuality: Pansexual

Hair/Eye Color: Pink/Strawberry Blonde

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 150 Ibs

Occupation: Head of The Education Agency

Personality: A big believer of separating work from home life, it's almost like Eddy has separate personalities. When he's working he's stoic and serious, not allowing any distractions so that he can focus on what needs it. He's passionate about education and wants to work to keep things running smooth.
When he's off work, however, he's boisterous and jolly. He laughs and smiles all the time, and is ALWAYS eating.

Drawing Details: When he's working, Eddy has a serious, almost cold, expression and wears a simple black suit. Outside of work he wears a jacket over his suit and removes his tie. The jacket has a lot of buttons on it, and he always smiles. Glasses are optional. Ears are pierced twice. Some hair tied back.

Fun/Extra Facts:

- Wears contact lens. Has backup glasses but doesn't like them.

- Likes to collect cute buttons from places he visits. They all go on his jacket.

- LOVES to eat, and eats EVERYTHING. If you blink you'll find him at a food truck getting a hot dog. Nothing is off limits to him.

- LOVES corndogs and hot dogs the most.

- Guilty pleasure is watching mukbangs.

- Loses sleep often because there's a skunk that keeps getting under his house.

- Internet history always has something about Googling how to get a skunk out of his house.

- Internet history also includes looking up restaurant secret menus.

- Not amused by jokes about that being his pet.

- Allergic to bees.

- Has an Ed.D in Higher Education and a Ph.D in Educational Policy.