


3 months, 28 days ago



Vulcu Elizabeta- 25 y.o - Transfem - 174 cm 

Contemporary Setting

Vulcu Elizabeta or Liza is a Romanian first-year wildlife conservation student and a snake breeder on the side.

She is the Cool big sister type, on one side she is calm and collected, people often come to her when they need comfort or advice, and you can always count on her to crash in and pull an all-nighter watching movies and playing video games. On the other side, she can be an adrenaline junky sometimes, her dearest hobbies being rock climbing and spelunking, followed shortly by hiking and winter sports.

Even though Liza is transgender, she attended an all-boys Christian school at her parent's behest. When she turned 18 her Aunt that lives in Canada left Liza her old house to help her get over her parent's thumb. in the next 7 years, she will work odd jobs here and there to raise money for her transition. Between those jobs, she started a snake breeding business. 

Finally, at 25 her love of reptiles and amphibians pushed her to pursue college in the form of a wildlife conservation major

Meta and Notes about her

she mostly wears greens, blacks and browns, Please stay clear of pastel colours.

She is the proud owner of a pecker, please don't draw her with a vagina.

Her fantasy(DnD mostly) setting is actually played by her contemporary setting in a campaign of DnD with her friends

I don't mind lewd art at all but i mostly keep the fantasy version of her for that. The contemporary(main) setting is more personal.

Yes you can suck her dick(s)

Fantasy Setting

Liza is a shifter with a muddled lineage, somewhere along the line yuan-ti blood mixed with her ancestors giving birth to Werevipers like herself.

She is an adventurer by trade, a seeker of thrills and dangerous creatures and their cubs. In between her adventure, she will sometimes "borrow" young beasts to raise and train before selling them to fellow adventurers or as guard beasts.

Her weapons of choice are the throwing axes and her fangs

Theme Song