


4 months, 1 day ago



OHHH my goodness

Helios ("Heli"), genderless (he/they), ??? years old

A slime that has been around for a long time, and now for the first time has decided to attempt being around humans. Due to social settings and interactions being unfamiliar to him, has developed social anxiety in the process. Despite his slimy nature, however, most do not acknowledge the fact that he is not human. This sometimes stresses him out. Currently works a low tier position at an office

Very quick to get startled or emotional, does not respond to stress very well and starts melting a little whenever he gets nervous. When overly stressed reverts to the form of a typical RPG slime blob and hides in the nearest cold and dark place. Generally not bad to be around, however he is not great at starting conversations and will passively observe unless spoken to first. Not the smartest however he is usually quick to adapt to whichever situation he finds himself in, although not without complaining and crying for a bit first

Spends his free time browsing random Wikipedia articles in order to gain more knowledge about the human world. Also sometimes plays video games on his phone or on an old console someone gifted to him. His favourite genre are RPGs, however whenever he has to kill slime enemies it upsets him

His origin is unknown even to him; he does not remember how he gained sentience or what his purpose was