
3 months, 7 days ago


The son of a fisherman, Nigel grew up in a small coastal town. He later moved to Darlam as an adult, and he now owns The Wellerman's Pub, Darlam's most popular eatery. Wellerman's also serves as an informal bed & breakfast, where guests can check out one of the spare bedrooms to stay overnight. Although strangers are rare in Darlam, Nigel has a soft spot for travelers, and he's always eager to make his guests feel warm and welcome.

Nigel is a lion in his early 50s. He's well known for being kind, friendly, and chatty. Although he considers Darlam to be his home now, a part of his heart is still at sea, as is evident by his love of nautical decor and sea shanties. (If you ever visit his restaurant, you simply must try the fish n' chips- they are his specialty!)

Candice [cousin]: These cousins have known each other since they were children, although they grew up in different towns and didn't interact much then. As adults, they connected on social media, and eventually formed a friendship. When Nigel decided that he needed a change in life, Candice was the one who suggested that he move to Darlam- and he's very glad that he took his cousin up on that suggestion!