Ceph "Stinky" Halo



5 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info


Ceph Halo




Data entry clerk, musician


Inkling (2/3 giant squid, 1/3 humboldt squid)




19 (s1), 21 (s2), 26 (S3)


7'4" (will get up to ~8'9")

Main weapon

Clear Dapple Dualies, Aerospray PG

Natural ink color

Light blue


An inkling who is half giant squid. He's a tall, lanky, awkward inkling who is just trying to make it by and wants to help people when he can. He is a musician, writing most of his own music, and is a part of a band with Lucy and Noodle, as lead vocalist and electric/acoustic guitar. They've gotten a following, but haven't really gotten their foot in the door, yet. A few shows are good, but not quite enough!

He does his absolute best, but struggles with depression, has very low energy, deals with some anxiety and self-esteem issues. This causes him to be a little self-deprecating, and even selfless to the point of reckless abandon--but with emotional support from friends, he's been getting better about this, slowly but surely. However he can't help but get a little frustrated when people start going, "Well haven't you tried this?" especially when he's already tried it...
The name "Stinky" came from the rough start he had; as his squid form looks strikingly like a Kraken, in both shape and size, many thought he was cheating, and when the special was made illegal, people continued to throw hissy fits since he was still using the Krak-On and Permanant Inkbrush. Due to this he was pulled from many matches and even disqualified on a few occasions... Being considered "fresh" was a pipe dream for the longest time, and so others would jokingly refer to him as "Stinky." He's since gotten his footing, but much to his dismay the name wound up sticking.
He only lets his friends call him Stinky, he tells everyone else to call him Ceph... But everyone usually calls him Stinky, anyway. So long as it's not malicious, he'll... Tolerate it. More with friends than with strangers. There are a few people he will straight-up tell they're "not allowed" to call him Stinky, and won't acknowledge them if they do. 

He moved to Inkopolis when he was 15, hoping to get into competitive play... He did fairly well in sports when he was younger, however he quickly found himself overwhelmed and out-classed. These days he doesn't really play matches in a competitive sense, he purely plays for fun, and usually can only be found playing games with his friends. He works part-time jobs instead to keep money rolling in. He's now 20 or 21 years old.

He's over 7 feet tall, and apparently isn't done growing, yet... He absolutely hates being so tall, and slouches a lot to appear smaller. Between that and leaning over rollers and brushes a little too short for him, he's going to have back problems!

When trying to make music he likes to try a variety of different things. He's tried different genres and styles to varying degrees of success. His style leans towards soft rock, and sometimes grunge, however his style has expanded quite a lot over the years. It's not uncommon for him to put filters or warp his own voice, as he isn't very confident in it, however he does find that it provides an interesting sound. Through this he's even modified his voice to sound as human-like as possible, which has gotten him a niche audience. If human songs surface, he'll do covers of those while imitating the language and sounds, but he does it rarely, since the songs get stuck in his head for weeks afterwards. He will also sing in the Salmonid language on the odd occasion, which has garnered him a few Salmonid fans, outside of his help in reclaiming eggs from Grizzco.  As much as he wants to get into the industry, he's had a difficult time performing live due to his low self-esteem, but he's gotten better about it by busking with his guitar, and playing with his friends Noodle and Lucy.
He can play piano, which his mother encouraged him to do when he wanted to learn how to play music. She also got him to play the flute, however he hasn't touched it in years. He's adept with the guitar, ukulele and banjo, and has been trying out a few other instruments in his spare time. He's saving up for new equipment, but has a hard time justifying the purchase....

Playlist of songs that are like what Stinky would write, or at the very least, would listen to! (Voice claim is Vinny from Red Vox/Vinesauce, speaking and singing.)

He used to work various jobs, mostly as a custodian--a job he struggled heavily with due to his very low energy reserve. It's soul-draining, but he at least has enough spare time to work on his music, and to get a match or two in now and again. He used to work for Grizzco on a regular basis, and had a number of nightmares as a result. However after meeting Chuck and helping him out, Stinky hasn't worked a Salmon Run since, and refuses to go on another. He'll even try and convince his friends to stop going. He now works at the Chuck Wagon for some extra cash on the side--the Salmonid really appreciates the help!
He's a generous and helpful fellow however, he doesn't usually think twice about helping people that he sees are in need of help, but he's also smart about it--he doesn't just help blindly, especially if they're asking for money. He's been called a "reckless nice guy" on a few occasions, because he'll throw himself into danger if he thinks he can make a difference... Not to mention he's helped an injured Salmonid once without even being able to speak to it!

Being half giant squid, his ancestors were kraken, and his generations are very, very close. Because of this, he has the ability to transform into a Kraken, without the need of it being a special. However this is something that can only happen in dire situations, and requires so much energy from him, that once the danger is out of the way and he turns back to normal, he's likely to pass out immediately after. This has happened a few times, primarily via Salmon Run--he's had to be taken to the hospital each time, as his teammates need to drag him back to the boat after.

He used to main the Krak-On Splat Roller, however due to his size and squid form resembling the Kraken special, he's been pressured out of using that, as well as the Permanent Inkbrush. He likes the Inkbrush Nouveau, however due to both this and his custodial job straining his arms too much, he tries to work with other weapons, too. The Clear Dapple Dualies and the Aerospray PG are his typical go-to weapons these days. The Dapples were a surprising addition.
Most often seen wearing the Lime Easy-Stripe Shirt, Positive Longcuff sweater, and sometimes even an Inky Black Rider when he's feeling particularly bold. He also loves wearing either his Stuidio Headphones, or Designer Headphones when out and about, or when playing turf. Almost never without his Red Hi-Horses!

GOATEE IS OPTIONAL; he's liable to shave it off at complete random and re-grow it, depending on how he feels about it on any given day.