


5 years, 9 months ago


he's mochus 8 yr old brother thats all you need to kn

energetic curious optimistic child celebrity


Name | Hachimitsu Called | His nicknames consist of Hachi, Mitsu, Imi, Chi, Mittens, and Honey ( which is what hachimitsu means ).
Age | 8 Gender | fuck if this kid knows a goddamned thing abt gender
Height | this may not be accurate to the height of 3rd graders / 8 yr olds, idk but 4'3 Build | slim, but healthy
Origin | The young prince of the royal sea! His birthday is August 16th ( Leo ), and he's not too sure about his sexuality ( hell he doesn't even know what that really means ) but he thinks he likes boys a bit more than girls. Race | Sea Slug! (or nudibranch njvdmkm)
Alignment | good in general Theme | stop nagging me kinda fits but thats more like mochus perspective so still nothin


  • mochu
  • sweets!
  • being pampered
  • people


  • when people argue
  • how short he is
  • big fish
  • how much is expected of him


  • he isnt actually white, or any natural skin tone, he just Rlly Rlly looks like it. all of his familys skintones r like, their hair or their main color but like pastel or lightened. so mochus is light blue. hachis is light orange.
  • although its nice right now, he has the whole "gifted kid syndrome" where he is considered successful and gifted but the older he grows the more people get dissapointed in him. also definitely has autism and maybe adhd.
  • he is basically a child celebrity in his sea and any sea really, being shown in lots of interviews and guest starring. mochu does this too sometimes, but he's a little less popular compared.
  • he's based on two different white and orange sea slugs that i'll link when i'm not so tired

on this episode of trying to get big bros validation |


Well, being a child, Hachimitsu doesn't have all too much of a story written out for his life yet. However, being the brother of Mochu means that he was born in the same family of royalty (aka born to the king and queen) in his sea. Which means he's fairly popular in his sea, basically being a child celebrity who doesn't actually hate the fame and limelight and it ISN'T corrupting him somehow! Well, the locals in the sea are more friendly and nice then people who dwell on land, so that might explain it. He is pretty popular and considered an adorable child. He likes to strike poses and all that.

Although, he really likes his brother the best in his family, but his brother seems to have mixed feelings about the younger brother. This usually makes Hachimitsu sad, considering the majority of what he wants is Mochu's validation for him.

Mochu sometimes gives him a piggyback ride when he visits, but it's only happened twice in total, and Hachimitsu considers it the best time in his entire 8-year old life. Being a very young child, his parents pamper and spoil him more then they did to Mochu (although he got a little spoiled too considering he and Hachimitsu are from a royal family) and all of that. Mochu is somewhat jealous of Hachimitsu and feels very weird about him. Conflicted feelings, you could say. Hachimitsu or any of his family members usually show up as a celebrity guest in shows.



[ big bro ]

<< admiration noises >>


[ relationship ]



[ relationship ]

