


2 months, 28 days ago


alt form is a  blob drone

 speaks very little. 

always playing music


GigaByte was originally a Decepticon spy drone. 

They would get assigned to any Decepticon in need of  inside info on their missions. 

Be it sneaking into the Autobots base or downloading data from human computers. 

Every now and again they would have to side with the autobots for a while to gain intel. 

And that led them to question Megtron’s plans and his morals. 

So in the end they left their spot as the top and only spy the Decepticons had to go off on and make their own path. 

Now they mostly just float between the sides going along with what is most convenient at the time. 

Gigabyte tends to hang around Starscream a lot as thats who he trusts the most. 

can let off a massive energon blast that will decimate the area and anything caught it in. however it will completely him of his energon forcing him to power down until he can more. this blast takes a good 3-4 minutes to be fully charged. GigaByte hates useing this attack. he'll only use it if there are NO other options left.