Sir Kent



1 month, 5 days ago


[see "Knights" for more info on what the frig this chick's deal is] 

alias: Elizabeth "Kite" Kent

age: 29

role: support/nuke

herald: red kite (the bird)

cool anime power: Ultra Kissy Love Beam

cool anime weapon: 1h sword (normal) (she's doesn't need ashsteel she's too good)

magesight: people's true emotions

picrew: source

No, not "Lady", "Sir". Generic blonde anime girl knight who is hands down the most overpowered out of all of them. One hit from her Ultra Kissy Love Beam and it's all over. Hates using this power because it causes everyone to become infatuated with her including even the other normally-psychically-impenetrable knights. She is the only girl knight and thus has to train 3x as hard to get 1/3rd he respect. Everyone respects her, because they are scared of how awesome she is. She's not tsun, she actually just hates you. Might have a soft spot for one of the Emporess's ladies-in-waiting, though (but unlike SOME PEOPLE (cough heron cough) she's self-disciplined enough to not let a silly little crush take over her life 🙄).

As is knight policy, nobody knows her real name. That's how the elfs get you.

Backstory: what's a girl to do when everyone keeps falling in love with her? Join the order of the holy frig so they'll stop hitting on you, that's what. Unfortunately it does not stop anyone from hitting on her, but at least the men she has to spend all her time around are chaste and virtuous, and she gets to kill with impunity.