Hordrek (D&D verse) (hordrek EXTENDED)



fogmere au

possibly the softest old dad you’ll ever meet. hordrek is thoroughly kind, humble, and perhaps a touch silly.  he wears his emotions on his sleeve, and will sob at the drop of a hat. nonetheless, this behavior encourages others to do the same. his sensitivity is contagious.

once the renowned head surgeon at Fogmere’s central hospital, at his old age now, he is spending the last years of his medical career as a pediatrician. hordrek is a well-known man in the city, both for his achievements, and his overall kindness to the community. once the co-head witch of the Kikker coven along with Heleen Kikker, until she passed away from a disease refusing to be treated. now, he runs the coven by himself. not that it’s hard; after all, it simply consists out of his household!

hordrek was born and raised in Delhi, the sole child of preeti and mukesh acharya, after many miscarriages. he grew up spoiled, doted upon, a smart, but cowardly and soft-hearted boy. they lived in poverty, and as such, hordrek’s lover was a godsend. the young man had wealthy parents, and the two both had dreams of attending medical school, but hordrek himself could not afford it. in an act of passion, and a coercion towards marriage, his lover’s family would fund his school tuition.

life was a dream, for hordrek, for his family, who finally saw hope for a good breadwinner in the house, and have their son fulfill his dream, above all.
at least, for a while. hordrek’s love life became turbulent, abusive even, until one evening it became extraordinarily violent, and his once beloved boyfriend was dragged off by the police. 

hordrek couldn’t bear to return to the hospital since. depression and post-traumatic stress stunted his education, until he dropped out, and adopted an unexpected new hobby in the outskirts of the city.
a drag queen from the states had set up a drag bar in an alleyway in delhi, and it was exactly what hordrek was looking for. after everything he had been through, living his true self no longer felt safe. so instead, he became someone else. in came his alter ego delilah, who after a while, in the fashion of DID, ended up being an alter of his, someone he could hide behind when things got rough. and rough things got indeed, though his father could accept him being gay, him becoming a freeloading crossdresser was too much for him, and with much struggle from his mother, he was no longer welcome at home.
life continued. delilah blossomed as a bold and extravagant, and above all glamorous person, as queen blaire taught them everything, from song and dance to a quickly blossoming skill in magic, until the bar threatened to close down. as a last effort to find safety, the bar’s inhabitants, and hordrek’s regretful mother moved to take shelter in fogmere.

here, hordrek met lily. lily was the daughter of the head of fogmere’s hospital, and in a chance meeting, the two got along swimmingly. with his unfinished degree, lily offered him to continue his education at the hospital, eventually getting him his doctorate, his career, and even his family. he managed to make friends with many, including brynn amberforge, a dwarven woman who had been given an oversized house by her family, hoping she would build a family of her own. that she did, but not in the way they expected. many people who just happened to find each other would join the household, including heleen kikker, a cancer patient, and her two children, who would quickly become hordrek’s godchildren. soon after would follow more, single mother liang and her four children, caelan ondoviel (who is just kinda there), the mysterious tahawi, and his to-be loving husband nicolo nikolaev, together with his twin daughters.

life goes on, even in 2035, where hordrek will be the one teaching scott how to control his new impressive bursts of magic ability. nonetheless, the man worries, as one bearing many secrets, he knows a thing or two about recognizing those who do, as well...