Cyrus (Cyrus (Human AU))



4 years, 3 months ago


Name: Cyrus Tachibanae (Ta-chi-bon-a) [Took on his ex-wife's name when they got married and never legally changed it back]
Gender: Male
Age: 36
Height: 6'0"
Sexuality: Pansexual
About him: Dedicated, focused, serious, responsible. The party pooper or 'dad' figure. Will make bad dad jokes; don't test him. Has an 19 year old daughter (he had with his ex-wife/aka gf at the time at 17) whom he raised half her life with his step-wife until they split up and then split custody with his ex-wide until Ashley (his daughter) turned 19 and moved out; She now lives on her own in a studio apartment and attends college for art which Cyrus helps her pay for with money he saved up for her to attend college over the years. He is a very supportive but overprotective father, even if shes 19 he still tends to spoil and baby her as if shes still a child.

Patience of a saint and is hard to make visibly angry as he usually holds his frustration in.
When he does get frustrated he has a habit where he will rub his fingers together to calm himself or not speak out; though he doesn't do this action very obviously as to not draw too much attention, usually holding his hands to his sides so they're somewhat out of view while he does it.

Hes a minor germaphobe when it comes to being in public spaces so he most always wears gloves when going somewhere hes unfamiliar with or where there is many people going to be touching whatever he touches; example would be like a public transit or doctor's office.

Possible occupations (dependent on rp): Butler / bodyguard / College professor or counselor / Secretary / Other(?)