


8 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info




thats rude to ask >///( )x( )/// <


Lakes or any-water are theres sooo prettyy, Animals, ^w ^ Sleeping , New things, Bright things , OOhhh!!! look at that dish collection!!! <3 <3 <3


LARS he took my baby! ; A ; , on piece missing on a collection


Healing , Resurrection , Moon Beams


Ow O i will always bring light to your heart <3


Tsuki is a light moon presence and a kitsune , she has a twin name Yomi which is the dark moon prensence 
she is very energetic and hyper but a coward :P has 2 sons but soo scared to see them again, she sleeps hardcore at morning.

When they where young tsuki was blind and only saw light as for yomi he only see pitch black, yomi meditated and understood what the meaning for theyre blindness was for while tsuki XD just still moves alot and play yomi had to always watch over her even though theyre both blind which she was soo thankful of yomi, She is very attacthed to her twin.

Her twin had a son named katana after yomi noticed tsuki had a child he was somehow curious on having a child too given he is a kitsune he can still create a child he created Katana a cursed child that tsuki wants to hold soo bad but katana hurted her by just touching her that made her sleep for month ;A ; which made her depress she only gets to touch her nephew only when he has scroll all over him :(

She was in a relationship with lars long ago, she is sooo easy fall inlove and lars did woo her well she has 2 sons with lars that is also a kitsune , Belt and Nodachi.
one time she wanted to to take belt and nodachi with her but lars got mad and yelled at her for now she felt treated and flee to coward to visit her children she watch from afar sobbing ; m; as she watch them grew with lars , Lars tried to reconsile with her and apologize but tsuki is just frigthen and flee's away.