
5 years, 7 months ago


Name: Fox

Nickname: None

ID: 43

Gender: Male

Owner: Sunlitsecrets

Race/Species: Fox

Origin: Chronoscape

Affiliation: N/A

Gift Art Rules: Feel free to draw all you want!

Specialties: Metal/Wind

Dragons: Chrysanthos, Firefly, Tsunami, Trick, Poltergeist, Vitalis

Bond: N/A

Reference Sheet: 

Rank: Dragon Rider

Class: None

Magic: Untrained

Training: N/A

Jobs: N/A

Health: Full

Status: Healthy

Class: N/A

Moves: N/A

Personality: A mute, yet very friendly fox cub with a big heart, a lot of loyalty to his friends, and a kindness that's so deep it seems impossible that he's so nice. He can't walk very well but that's okay - his interests lie in keeping track of things and writing stuff down, not running around the forests. Of course, when he does want to go on an adventure, he usually rides on Chrysanthos's back.

Den Theme: N/A

Den Furniture: N/A

Familiars: (0/0)

Art Credits: Sunlitsecrets

Player profile for use in Chronocompass.