


8 years, 2 months ago



Teacup Poppins


One day the Good Queen of the Faeries was walking through the forest when she noticed something small glinting in the hazy afternoon sunlight at her feet. Reaching down to pick it up, she realized it was a broken piece of colorful porcelain. Curious by nature and interested in the whereabouts of its origins, she began to feel around, patting the soft grass and gently brushing leaves and vines out of the way. Lo and behold, she eventually came across a tiny teacup!

Cradling the ornate treasure in her elegant fingers, she observed the many cracks and lovingly placed the broken piece back into the cup. Summoning her faery magic, the Queen cast a spell on the teacup to restore it and bring it to life. Instantly, the teacup melded back together and a tiny creature popped its head up to see what was going on! The Queen smiled, and commissioned it to go forth and heal the cracks of any broken and beautiful things. With that she blew a kiss to it, and it was forever embued with faery magic.

This was the first Teacup Poppin. From that day forward, Teacup Poppins began arising from small, broken and unwanted pieces of porcelain that once belonged to teacups. Their beauty restored, they devoted their days to traveling through every land, searching for other porcelain fragments and other broken things and making them new.



  • Faery Sprites who travel around and restore broken objects and items
  • Their magic revolves around healing and re-purposing things


  • Their stronger power is reserved for bringing a new Teacup Poppin to life out of a broken teacup. This will not work with a teacup that is already in perfect condition since it is serving a purpose still
  • Can make broken objects good as new
  • Levitate small objects (helps them to eat!)
  • Larger objects will take a group of TPs to fix


  • Part creature and part porcelain teacup
  • The teacup is part of their body and cannot be removed
  • Any cute, round animal-like features like: fluffy ears, whiskers, tiny paws or no paws
  • They don't usually have big tails since that would be uncomfortable sticking out of a teacup, but sometimes they have little ones or teabag string tails!



  • Love to hop around on their bottoms or legs and some can fly with tiny wings, but this is more rare
  • Reside in gardens or areas with leafy cover where they can hide and sleep
  • Every Poppin has a favorite sleeping hollow, usually underneath flowers, bushes, or inside of trees
  • Can communicate with creatures easily and make squeaks and chirping noises but don't exactly understand human speech
  • They often visit the Good Queen of the Faeries to enjoy treats and bring tokens of affection. Sometimes they wear hats or carry little umbrellas to protect them from the elements
  • They do not reproduce but bring others to life with their magic


  • Decorations on the handle of their teacups
  • Fruits, spices, sweets, herbs, and tea
  • Nice smelling plants
  • Popping out and surprising others
  • Hiding, or hide-and-go-seek


  • Being discovered when hiding
  • Being rousted out of bed
  • Destructive and wasteful people



  • She is Chocolatta's pet, usually as her pet just sits at the counter and greets customers.