
5 years, 5 months ago



"Okay, let's go! Since it sounds interesting!"

 Name 】Ian Thinos
                  Noche Tweedle
【 Gender 】Male
【 Age 】20【 DOB 】 December 31
【 Origin 】Underground Lethe Bunker
                    Taipei, Taiwan
Species  Witch/human fusion
【 Role 】Wild Card【 Theme 】Virus
【 Motifs 】 Creeping shadows, the black ovoid of an abyss. A lone flickering streetlamp on a rainy, moonless night. A fallen angel. An amalgamation of fragmented souls. A heartbreaking loneliness. Anemone flowers.

「 The Witch of Rejection」

"Haah? But isn't that so boring you could just die?"

Ian is a somewhat dapper, slender young man with a toothy grin ever-present on his face, the gleam of his eyes promising some wild, whimsical adventure - just take his hand and run away with him! 

Such things are highly inadvisable, though - he's not a predatory type of person, but Ian tends to involve himself in troublesome affairs that end up in a headache for the most responsible person near him. He is a "do first think later" type of person, doing hazardous and deadly things if he feels the urge to. For anyone with a single gram of self-awareness or responsibility, being around him can be stressful.

He doesn't comprehend the concept of giving up. If someone tells him that he can't or shouldn't do something, it makes him want to do it even more. He pursues new experiences with a half-masochistic, half-scientific fervor. 

The reason why Ian is Like This is because he was until very recently, an incorporeal mass of energy confined in an underground lab. It was able to attach to the dying soul of a young boy and the two fused to become Ian. The spirit is enamored with physical sensation and relishes all sensations, be it the taste of a decadent cake or the burning of a hot iron, as valuable experiences. He can't parse emotions in a way that makes sense to a human, and reacts poorly to intense negative emotions. His existence is something that goes against the natural order of the world, and is unstable by nature. There's two parts of him; the side that thinks humans are really neat and interesting and brilliant creatures, and the side that thinks they're unsightly and very weak, as easy to pop as overfilled balloons. Why integrate with a pack of creatures that he's clearly different from? Because it's fun. Because it's boring.

He's a series of incompatible and contradictory thoughts and urges bundled together with a single ragged, frayed string.

Because of this, he's prone to outbursts that are always menacing and often violent. Left to his own devices, he would certainly cause a ton of destruction and attract negative attention from authorities. However, with someone to ground him, he's far more manageable. Perhaps since he's unable to comprehend the swirl of feelings within him, he attaches onto whoever will give him attention and holds their interests and well being above all else. He is devoted in a very self-serving way, wanting to keep that person by his side at all times.

Because he is such an unstable existence, he is easily influenced by the people around him. He will be kind if the people around him are kind at their core, and cruel and manipulative if they are too. However, at his base, Ian is cheerful and mischievous with an utter lack of shame. He loves physical affection and can say things with a straight face that some people would be too embarrassed to even think about. He's a carefree person with one brain cell who gets high off life. Even if he can't understand emotions all that well, he is deeply empathetic and can't stand seeing people cry. I

In regards to his abilities, Ian is a nimble and athletic person with an incredibly durable body, able to take injuries and falls that would kill a normal person. He has an uncanny quality about him that is also difficult to describe; logic and probability  are warped around him. Things that you would assume to be true aren't always so. It's hard to fight him for too long without being reduced to incoherence. He possesses a great deal of physical strength if he wishes to, able to crush stones with a strong grip. However, this is inconsistent, and it depends on his current thoughts and desires at the time. Reality seems to bend around his will, but not in a perfect and wish-fulfilling way that one would desire. However, it's often disorienting enough that he has an upper leg on anyone who wishes him harm.

Ian is comprised of two beings. The first is a very powerful witch soul kept in confinement in a Lethe laboratory, which was kept in a state of near-constant sensory deprivation in order to prevent it from going wild and hurting people. Someone sympathetic to the witch's crippling loneliness helped it escape the facility, but its soul was fragmented; a majority of it escaped with its physical body and was able to live a normal, peaceful life, while the remainder was kept in even tighter lockdown. The leftover despaired doubly, feeling incomplete and hollow losing a huge fragment of itself, and feeling betrayed.

However, this tiny fragment of soul was a great deal more unstable than the whole soul it had once been, and frequently broke out of confinement despite Lethe's best efforts. During one prison break, it was attracted to the body of a young man recently put in a vegetative state, who was used and abandoned by his family members. These feelings lined up perfectly with the witch's, and it took up residence in the body and fused with the human boy's trapped soul.

No longer a nameless experiment or the comatose Noche Tweedle, the being "Ian" emerged from the cocoon of the hospital into the greater world at large.




  • If you were to break it down analytically, "Ian" consists of one whole human soul (Noche) and about 1/8th of a witch's soul.
  • His food tastes are stereotypically childlike. He loves candy and meat and detests vegetables except potatoes.
  • His favorite thing in the world is Darcy, of course. His favorite type of person is anyone who shares qualities with Darcy, of course. He's someone who views the object of his fixation with a near-religious reverence. He's kind of like a very needy, eldritch, violent puppy.
  • His least favorite thing is people who use others and throw them away. He has serious abandonment issues. He avoids taking life because his girlfriend said so, basically, but this is the one thing that can drive him into a murderous rage.
  • Ian's view of Cerule, like much of him, is contradictory. He hates him and wants to kill him for abandoning him, but is filled with an intense yearning and desire to become whole again when they meet.
  • Even if the "witch" portion of his soul is much smaller compared to Cerule, Ian is far stronger in context of "witchiness." Basically, Cerule took all the stability and the body in their split, but Ian took all the destructive power and the reality bending. In a head-to-head, Ian crushes him.
  • Currently he is living with Darcy and adding spice and variety to her life.



