


8 years, 2 months ago


Name Roshani Meaning "light" or "brightness"
Age 4,000+ yrs Gender Female
Race God (Czylph) Role Goddess of Autumn + Courtship
Height 6'2" Build Full-figured, curvy
Tarot tba Partner Cadeyrn
Alignment Chaotic Good Theme tba
Likes cinnamon rolls ♥
lush pillows
gold and amber coloured things
Dislikes endless rain
being denied
most seafood

Roshani was born in the Eternal Autumn Lands, an impressive expanse of land nestled by mountains, fields of lavender and wildgrass, farmland of wheat and apples, and thrumming with magic that keeps the trees and the harvest eternally in the fullest of it's fruits and labour.

A kind soul, Roshani seeks out love and encourages it amongst the people she looks after. There is a boundless, untamed energy that sparks between two people and she harnesses it, using it to keep her lands alive in their current form. Because of this, she often taken mortal and immortal lovers like herself, revelling in the joy of love and all the brightness it has to offer.

Roshani is prone to wandering the realm at times, even outside the boundaries of her land. She's often found herself in the lands of other czylphs and seeks friendship and trade from them to further help her queendom, although she's a fierce fighter and can hold her own even when at a far distance from her worshippers.

Birth of Autumn's Soul

There is little known about Roshani's past. To mortals, there are very few stories told about Roshani's coming to the Autumn Lands, and fewer still who would try to seek out this truth. Mortals simply accepted her place in their lives one day and never looked back; she's a benevolent enough deity that there is rarely cause to question her authority.

To other czylphs however, there is something off about her. A more astute and learned czylph might suspect she was forcibly reincarnated by the Higher Sanctum, usually done for those wayward demigods who begin inflicting untold pain and suffering upon the world. However to claim as such would be unimaginably rude, not to mention folly for challenging a czylph in her realm for one as powerful as Roshani. For now her past remains a mystery.

A darker side ...

There is a darker side to Roshani, one rarely seen. While the Autumn Lands are always eternally autumn, even the Lands feel the lack of sunlight as the world turns. During this time many harvests conclude, which Roshani oversees personally. It is -- according to mortals -- the source of her power, but she also needs to be placated as they are fearful of her power during this time as it grows darker and more erratic. A common offering, especially during the Harvest of Beasts, is a mixture of blood and honey. While she finds the change mildly disturbing at first, she likens to a feeling of coming home, and feels more at ease in her skin during this time. Why, she isn't entirely sure.

Cadeyrn 482200?1514103868

Beloved. ♥

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