Brynne Maddox



8 years, 29 days ago


❝We are like islands in the sea, separate on the surface but connected in the deep.❞
- William James

Sidebar image by Fredrik Öhlander (Unsplash).

Brynne Maddox

sweetheart crybaby fisherman
Here's where you can provide a brief introduction to the context of the character. Vestibulum porttitor sem ut varius pulvinar. Nulla iaculis nec turpis ac tempus. Aliquam viverra congue enim, ut rhoncus neque luctus non. Donec a condimentum libero.
Basics Do you know who you are?
Full Name Brynne Reese Maddox
Ethnicity White Canadian
Gender Male (he/him)
Orientation Demisexual panromantic
Age 27

Describe the character's personality in more detail here.

Proin gravida risus vel iaculis varius. Suspendisse ut felis et urna auctor auctor. Morbi sed volutpat leo, ut fermentum nisi. Ut diam metus, egestas in mauris et, dapibus congue erat. Phasellus mollis placerat lectus nec egestas. Donec eu felis ut risus accumsan laoreet tempor at urna. Donec maximus luctus nisi sed tincidunt. Vestibulum at lacus neque. Pellentesque imperdiet libero magna.

Phasellus mollis metus libero, ac hendrerit turpis pellentesque a. Nam sollicitudin, diam vitae vestibulum pellentesque, nunc sapien ornare nisl, id congue est nisi quis elit. Sed volutpat pellentesque eleifend. Pellentesque faucibus hendrerit lobortis.

History Do you know what's happened to you?
Born Peggy's Cove, Nova Scotia - February 24 (Pisces)
Residence (reluctantly) Peggy's Cove
Occupation Fisherman
Education Master's degree in film-making

Summarise your character's life until the present time in as much or as little detail as you would like! Feel free to go into present plot details as well if that's your style.

Morbi sed volutpat leo, ut fermentum nisi. Ut diam metus, egestas in mauris et, dapibus congue erat. Phasellus mollis placerat lectus nec egestas. Donec eu felis ut risus accumsan laoreet tempor at urna. Donec maximus luctus nisi sed tincidunt. Vestibulum at lacus neque. Pellentesque imperdiet libero magna.

Phasellus mollis metus libero, ac hendrerit turpis pellentesque a. Nam sollicitudin, diam vitae vestibulum pellentesque, nunc sapien ornare nisl, id congue est nisi quis elit. Sed volutpat pellentesque eleifend. Pellentesque faucibus hendrerit lobortis.

Appearance Do you recognise yourself?
Height 5'5"
Build Sturdy but slender, well-muscled due to his work
Eye colour Violet
Hair colour Brown

Describe the character's appearance in longer form here.

Proin gravida risus vel iaculis varius. Suspendisse ut felis et urna auctor auctor. Morbi sed volutpat leo, ut fermentum nisi.

Phasellus mollis metus libero, ac hendrerit turpis pellentesque a. Nam sollicitudin, diam vitae vestibulum pellentesque, nunc sapien ornare nisl, id congue est nisi quis elit. Sed volutpat pellentesque eleifend. Pellentesque faucibus hendrerit lobortis.

Miscellany Do you want to live this way?
Handedness Right
Associated motifs Fish, water, love/hearts
Songs ——————————
a lot of shanties, probably. and indie folk. big Decemberists fan. come up with actual list later.
"The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" — Gordon Lightfoot
Song name — Artist name
Full playlist link

  • Plays French horn and viola; with the latter he plays in a local folk band that does live music for the local watering hole every Friday night (this is also popular with the tourists).
  • Wears oversized sweaters and flannel. Lots of flannel.
  • Has a fox red Labrador Retriever named Griffin that is his best friend and usually goes with him on the fishing boat.
  • Loves mythology, especially creatures (see his dog's name for example). As a child he genuinely believed all the stories; the interest lingers with a wistful yet hopeless desire for them to be true.
  • Knits some of his own sweaters and fingerless mitts.
  • Hosts movie marathons— he enforces silence during the films but discussions after are when he becomes the most talkative most people ever see him be.
Relationships Do you know who matters to you?
Name | Relationship Label
Fusce non tincidunt dui, a luctus tortor. Nulla sed accumsan ante. Mauris quis justo vitae velit tincidunt sollicitudin euismod ut lectus. Ut sed dolor mauris. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
Name | Relationship Label
Fusce non tincidunt dui, a luctus tortor. Nulla sed accumsan ante. Mauris quis justo vitae velit tincidunt sollicitudin euismod ut lectus. Ut sed dolor mauris.