


8 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info


Modern Supernatural-Realm




Quote:"I have the power of Zeus. I AM your god."
Full Name: Ekaitz
Nicknames: Ekaitz
Age: 24 in human years
Gender: Female
Original Species: Makoatl
Sexuality: Asexual
Designed By:
Sixbane on DA
Ekaitz resembles a thunder/lightning storm. Her body glows in a way to enhance the effect. She has long hair as well as fur around her front paws. She also has one set of large horns.

Ekaitz is by no means a goddess, nor does she posses powers. Unfortunately, holding the weapon of Zeus gets to her head often and she gets out of hand. It is said to be a curse. When angry due to her short temper, she threatens her target with the bolt of Zeus and even swings it at a nearby object. During these episodes, Ekaitz seems unaware of her actions. It seems questionable as to where her mind is set as she switches sides from protecting humans/Makoatls to going against them.
When no plagued with these moments, Ekaitz seems bold, Hot-headed, rash, and energetic. She tries to keep friends close, but drives many away due to her wild curse.
Ekaitz holds the power of Zeus in her hands by carrying his bolt. Being familiar with Supernatural hunters, she followed them on a hunt one day to gather materials from the gods in order to defeat a powerful threat. For some odd reason, Zeus' bolt called to her and she was able to summon it at will.  Zeus has no plausible explanation for it, so the weapon's connection with her remains a mystery. She uses it to kill enemies. 
In an alternate universe, Ekaitz has a one-night-stand with a makoatl named Zadkiel during a hunt. 
Special Abilities/Powers
None. The weapon she holds is the only power she has.
April 15th
Current Location

-Spicy foods
-Being a "god"
-Having Power
-Making Friends
-Running Away
-Losing power
-Losing Friends
-Becoming a monster
-Sour Foods
Her corrupted mind fully getting to her

Relationship Status:
Single. No mate.

Elena - "What more could I say? She's just a mortal who gets into trouble...."
More of a rival, Ekatitz makes sure she tries to finish cases before Elena gets to the scene. Most of the time, she succeeds and pisses Elena off. This creates tension between the two and they bicker for a long time. However, Elena is also a crutch for Ekaitz. Whenever the "goddess" gets out of hand, Elena is there to set her straight. For some odd reason, the younger makoatl is able to talk her out of the trance and Ekaitz is secretly forever grateful for that. Whenever Elena is in trouble, Ekaitz would be there for her.
Uriel - "The dove? She's alright I guess..."
Uriel is Ekaitz's hunting partner. Although Uriel does most of the book/research work, she also swoops in every now and then to save Ekaitz's ass when in trouble. Ekaitz acts nonchalant about her relationship with Uriel but actually admires the innocence and naive personality of the younger Uriel. She hides her crush on Uriel. Unable to express herself, she tries to figure out ways to talk to Uriel about it during her free time. However, she fails to break the news to Uriel, afraid of embarrassing herself.

In an alternate universe, Ekaitz has a one-night-stand with Zadkiel. She finds him a bit arrogant and has no idea why she ever fell for him that night. She looks to him distastefully and says that he's ignorant.  She hates to admit it, but she does still admire his tough demeanor. 

In an alternate universe, Ekaitz has a one-night-stand with a makoatl named Zadkiel during her travels.

Other Notes:

Known Languages:

English, Latin, 

Fondest Memory:

Stealing the bolt of Zeus

First Word:



Sly, Snarky humor.

Voice Resemblance:

Mathilda from Fire Emblem

Theme Song
