Gletchite Wood Sprite



8 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info

Species name

Gletchite Wood Sprite


Nature spirit

Average height

6" - 10"

Average weight

1 - 4 oz


Woodland, fields, marshland


Gletchite wood sprites are small insect-like beings that inhabit the forests and countryside of Gletch Island. They stand less than a foot high, communicate in squeaks, and will sometimes infiltrate homes.

The wood sprites are identified by their masked faces, long, spindly limbs, and ragged clothing. The heads of the species vary in appearance, each sprite displaying natural textures and foliage, such as bark, moss, twigs, and mushrooms. The mask shape also varies, but usually has a long, birdlike nose and dark eye holes.

Wood sprites that had infiltrated a home can make themselves a nuisance by stealing food, objects, and clothing.  They will chew holes in walls and construct elaborate tunnels within a structure, and they can often be heard scurrying around at night. However, the creatures are intelligent and can be tamed, and having a wood sprite in one's home or garden is a sign of good fortune.

One such wood sprite had taken up residence in the Sphynx Manor and is named Sticks.