Alfred J. Schwarzmeyer



5 years, 2 months ago



Name Alfred Jonathan Schwarzmeyer
Called Alfred or Mr. Schwarzmeyer. That's it.
Age 37
Gender Male
Height 6'2"
Build kinda wirey
Race human
Role supernatural verifier, exorcist


Out of all of the members of his generation of Schwarzmeyers, Alfred is probably the one who's stuck closest to the family buisness of exorcism. While he may not be the progidy that his younger brother was, he's stuck much more faithfully to the family beliefs forcefully drilled into him by his father time and time again when he was a child. His father is what you could call proud of him, but Alfred dislikes the fact that he's constantly compared to his "pathetic", soft-hearted brother or his criminal cousin. However, besides the particularly life threatening case that gave him his scars, his life had simply been uncomfortable at worst.

That was, until everything went to hell within the span of a year. It felt like a shot to the gut, when he learned that Leon had been fratrinizing with a demon, and it took all his will to not return the favor with a real bullet, especially after he was ordered by his father. Shortly after Leon was disowned, their mother died, a shock to the whole family. Alfred was particularly disgusted at his father's instance on removing her heart "to prevent vampirism", and decided to attempt to slowly reconnect with Leon privately, against his father's wishes. He's glad he does, at first, until the loss at Leon's of students begins to push him towards madness and strengthens his medium abilities to an almost unbearable level. It pains Alfred to see his brother in such a state, but he's not entirely sure what to do but keep checking up on him from time to time. He only hopes it's enough

Alfred comes off as seemingly cold and stern, but that's only partially because of the scars that restrict his facial movements. He's not as cold as he seems (although he can be rather strict and blunt at times), and does genuinely care about his friends, family, and clients. He's not the best at expressing his emotions, as his voice does also tend to be rather flat, and his usual demanor is very buisness like, but those who have gotten close enough to him have said that he has a very kind smile. He's fond and very protective of children, and often puts special attention towards his cases that involve them.


Alignemnt lawful good
Sexuality Gay
Enneagram Achiever
Flower Meadowsaffron
Element Earth



  • Wiskey
  • Old bookstores
  • His revolver
  • Not much else


  • His father
  • Demons
  • Racoons
  • Other attic pests


  • The case that got him his scars involved him taking a blow for a young girl by her VERY possessed father.
  • His job as a supernatural verifier is to make sure that all reported cases of possession, ghosts, etc. are actually of supernatural origin, and aren't just rats in the walls.
  • His revolver, issued by the church, has been blessed so that bullets that come out of it will hurt demons and the like, as long as they are in a physical form.
  • Started drinking more heavily after Leon was disowned.




Heel Turn 2 - The Mountain Goats
Sign of the Crow #2 - The Mountain Goats
Jesus Saves - AJJ
Constellations - The Oh Hellos
Let's Get This Over With - They Might Be Giants
